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Eurosatory 2020: A major event for CBRNE industry in the fields of Defense and Security.

| 2020

CBRNE domain is a historical component of Eurosatory. Needless to say how important the Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosives sector is in regard to the current coronavirus Covid-19 crisis. A wide range of CBRNE equipment will be showcased at Eurosatory 2020.

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Eurosatory 2020, a major event for the CBRNE Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosives industry in the fields of Defense and Security. (Picture source Eurosatory)

In 2018, about 20 % of official delegations showed an interest in the domain and visit manufacturers from the CBRNE (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosives) sector. Among already registered exhibiting companies in 2020 that offer CBRNE solutions: Avon Protection, Bertin Technologies, Bruker Detection, Cegelec, Cristanini, Dräger Safety, Ecotest, Environics, GIE Defense NBC, Hotzone, Kärcher, Matisec, NBC Sys, Oritest, Ouvry, Paul Boye, VTT, Thales and others.

A technological cluster dedicated to CBRNE issues has been existing at the event since 2008 and gathers CBRNE companies. In 2020, it will be animated by IB Consultancy. The company will organize several conferences to debrief CBRNE issues with official delegations, institutional representatives, experts, and manufacturers.

The Covid-19 crisis is showing how important, time-consuming and sometimes difficult decontamination of vehicles, medical rooms, personal items, and devices (among so many others) is. So, daily live civilian-military CBRNE demonstrations will be organized at the CBRNE cluster by end-users showcasing capabilities of civil and military first responders. Participants will be able to experience an immersion in the NCT PRO Experience and wear a CBRNE suit... without suffering the stress of having to fulfill demanding tasks under actual danger.

Eurosatory, the international leading exhibition of land and air-land Defence and security, will be held from 8 to 12 June 2020 in Paris.

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