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Russian army has sent medical personnel and equipment to Italy to fight COVID-19.

| 2020

On March 22, 2020, Russia has started the sending of medical personnel and equipment to Italy in the fight against the COVID-19 using military transport aircraft Il-76. Today, we can see that all military forces in the world also are collaborating with the private sector and other civilian government entities providing military equipment and medical support.

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Russian army delivers medical equipment to Italy to fight COVID-19. (Picture source Russia MoD)

The Russian military aircraft will deliver to the Italian air force base Praktik de Mare (30 kilometers southwest of Rome, Italy) groups of military doctors, specialists in the sphere of virology and epidemiology with modern equipment for the diagnosis and conduct of disinfection measures.

Today, the Russian armed forces have an important capacity to fight against attacks CBRN (Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear ) threats especially trained to conduct the most complex set of measures aimed at reducing the loss of associations and formations of the Ground Forces and ensuring their combat tasks assigned during operations in conditions of radioactive, chemical and biological contamination, as well as at enhancing their survivability and protection against high-precision and other weapons.

The Russian CBRN Troops are developing as dual-purpose forces, able to solve tasks both in war and peace times, in the aftermath of accidents and disasters in industrial facilities hazardous radioactively, chemically and biologically.

A very interesting CBRN decontamination truck of the Russian armed force is the TMS-65U, which is based on a 6x6 military truck chassis Ural-4320 fitted with a modified Klimov VK-1 turbojet engine mounted on a turntable with an operator's cabin. Originally, the TMS-65U is used to perform rapid decontamination of vehicles and towed weapons and equipment.

At the back of the crew cabin is located 1,500 liters of a decontaminant solution with another 4,000 liters of water carried on a twin-axle trailer towed behind the vehicle.

According to our first analysis, Russia has also sent the Multifunctional Mobile Modular Complex which is used for analyzing of pathogenic materials and to perform biological reconnaissance missions.

Another decontamination vehicle that Russia has provided to Italy is the KRPP-2, a special decontamination vehicle. Tomorrow, we will publish news with more technical details about the CBRN vehicles used by the Russian army and delivered to Italy.

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Russian army decontamination vehicle TMS-65U (Picture source Army Recognition)

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Russian army KRPP-2 special decontamination vehicle (Picture source Army Recognition)

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Russian army Multifunctional Mobile Modular Complex (Picture source Army Recognition)

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