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UMEX 2020: QinetiQ North America showcases TALON robot.

| 2020

The American Company Qinetiq North America has developed the fifth generation of its TALON explosive ordnance disposal robot offering new capabilities and plug-and-play architecture for a full range of accessories. Since its introduction in 2000, QinetiQ North America’s TALON family of robots has earned a reputation for durability, flexibility, modularity and performance in keeping personnel, assets and civilians out of harm’s way.

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TALON 5 at UMEX 2020 (Picture source:  Army Recognition)

For almost 20 years, TALON robots have been in continuous, active service to support critical and often dangerous missions worldwide. In military, law enforcement and first responder applications, TALONs are widely deployed for improvised explosive device (IED) and explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), reconnaissance, communications, CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear), HAZMAT, security, heavy lift, defense and rescue missions.

TALONs have been used worldwide, from Ground Zero after the 2001 World Trade Center attack, to Iraq and Afghanistan, searching for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect and assisting with security during major sporting events. Now on its fifth generation, TALON 5 is the first Interoperability Profile (IOP) fielded robotic system that has successfully gone through Army Test and Evaluation Command testing.

Now on its fifth generation, TALON 5 's enhanced electronics and software, and the ability to use third-party components, offers increased performance capabilities, flexibility and systems level modularity for greater missions effectiveness.

Today, TALON robots continue to support all four branches of the US Military, along with Federal, State and Local Law enforcement and 36 nations worldwide.



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