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BAE Systems to upgrade Finnish Army CV90 combat vehicles.

| 2021

BAE Systems has signed a contract with Finland to upgrade the Finnish Army’s fleet of CV90s. The agreement, worth up to $32 million USD with options, includes a mid-life extension program to increase the vehicles’ combat efficiency for the future battlefield.
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A combat-proven CV9030FIN on a gravel road in front of a green forest. Finland is the latest in a series of CV90 customers to re-invest in the infantry fighting vehicle platform (Picture source:  Finnish Ministry of Defense)

The CV9030FIN prototype and test series vehicles will be upgraded first, with the remaining lifecycle upgrades carried out between 2022-2026. As part of the contract, BAE Systems Hägglunds, the original manufacturer of the CV90, will work closely with the Finnish industry to upgrade the general availability and maintainability of the vehicle, further develop in-service safety, and enhance the system’s technology and software.

“The upgrade program will secure the capability of the vehicles into the 2030s. At the same time, it will make it possible to eventually have a more extensive mid-life upgrade performed on the vehicles during the latter part of their lifecycle,” said Colonel Rainer Peltoniemi, Inspector of the Infantry for the Finnish Army.

Finland is the latest in a series of CV90 customers to significantly re-invest in the combat-proven Infantry Fighting Vehicle platform. Four of seven nations in the CV90 User Club have recently signed contracts to extend the lifecycle of their fleets and enhance their vehicles’ capabilities. Sweden, Switzerland and the Netherlands signed mid-life upgrade agreements, while the Norwegian Army recently completed a fleet upgrade and ordered 20 additional CV90s to increase the combat power of its existing fleet.

“We are looking forward to further supporting Finland with its latest program and deepening our relationships with local industry,” said Tommy Gustafsson-Rask, managing director of BAE Systems Hägglunds. “Our customers’ continued commitment to the platform benefits all current and future CV90 users, as each nation shares their experiences and innovations which help keep the vehicle modern, advanced, and affordable for years to come.”

Finland is one of seven users operating the CV90. The other six are Denmark, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. With close to 1,300 CV90s of numerous variants in service, the vehicle has a combat-proven track record and is designed to accommodate future growth to meet evolving missions.


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