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DSEI 2021: Energetics Technology showcases its 40mm Stand-off breaching grenade.

| 2021

According to a press release published by Lacroix on September 14, 2021, the British company Energetics Technology Limited (ETL), a subsidiary of the Etienne Lacroix Group, take advantage of DSEI 2021 to formally present its latest innovative 40 mm "door breaching" ammunition.

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40 mm Stand-off breaching grenade (Picture source: Army Recognition)

Energetics specializes in the fields of pyrotechnics, energetic materials and explosives, the company has developed a 40mm armor-piercing grenade technology in partnership with Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) and Ploughshare Innovation.

The new 40mm grenade developed by ETL, utilizes UK government developed breaching technology which has been licensed to Energetics Technology Limited (ETL) and Ploughshare Innovations, in an agreement that will improve operations of the Explosive Entry Method (EMOE) and operator safety.

The Stand-off breaching grenade is designed for use by special operations teams and counter-terrorism units in scenarios where it is necessary to break through locked doors to gain access to a building or room.


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