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DSEI 2021: Otokar has developed Tulpar modular tracked armored vehicles.

| 2021

At DSEI 2021, International Defense Exhibition in London, UK, the Turkish company Otokar showcases the future of modular tracked armored vehicle named Tulpar that can be configured as IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) or a light tank armed with one 105mm cannon. At DSEI 2021, the Tulpar is presented in IFV configuration fitted with the MIZRAK turret system also developed by Otokar.

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Otokar Tulpar tracked armored vehicle fitted with unmanned turret Mizrak at DSEI 2021, International Defense Exhibition in London, UK. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The Tulpar tracked armored vehicle has been tested and qualified by Otokar R&D (Research and Development) Center in the past years. But in the recent user trials and tests, Otokar saw that performances obtained by the potential users are similar to those obtained in Otokar’s own trials, and TULPAR performed very well in different geographical and climate conditions. According to Otokar, the Tulpar is a very capable tracked armored vehicle that will be able to meet the current and future requirements of modern military forces.

The Tulpar stands out with mobility, high firepower, and survivability features. The vehicle is designed as a multi-purpose vehicle with variants ranging from 28,000 kg to 45,000 kg to fully satisfy future global requirements. The future-oriented perspective of modularity is to increase operational flexibility by using common components and a common chassis over a wide range of vehicle variants. The Tulpar comes in several variants that share common subsystems.

Tested in the toughest climates and on rough terrain, Tulpar boasts best-in-class ballistic and mine protection with modular armor technology and armor structure that can be configured and scaled according to threats.

In addition to providing an effective solution in missions that require high fire and destruction power, the Tulpar can serve in all kinds of combat environments from urban, built-up areas and light bridges to woodlands and all terrains especially soft surfaces where main battle tanks are unable to operate due to their heavyweights.

The MIZRAK is an unmanned remote-controlled weapon station which is designed by Otokar that can be easily integrated on wheeled and tracked armored fighting vehicles. It is remotely controlled from inside the vehicle under armor. Displayed MIZRAK is with 30 mm cannon and 7.62 mm coaxial MG. MIZRAK has the latest generation digital fire control system architecture having dual-axes independently stabilized commander and gunner sights utilized with the highest performance thermal camera, day camera, and laser range finder.

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