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DSEI 2021: UAV Factory unveils Penguin C Mk2 VTOL drone system.

| 2021

The Penguin C Mk2 VTOL introduces the patented Aeroflow Boom Technology, enabling a 20% increase in flight endurance. The patented technology showcases hoods over the vertical lifting rotors that automatically enclose the lifting rotors while the vehicle is in horizontal flight, significantly reducing the parasitic drag on the vehicle.

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Penguin C Mk2 VTOL (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The result is 14+ hours of flight endurance, making it the ideal VTOL solution in its class. The VTOL booms are made of advanced carbon-fiber composite, which makes them both light and rigid. Battery replacement is quick and simple and can be done in under 2 minutes, minimizing the delay between flights. With the added weight of the booms to enable VTOL operations, the Penguin C Mk2 VTOL steps into the Group 3 UAS category with an MTOW of 32kg / 70.6 lb.

The Penguin C Mk2 VTOL UAS remains one of the smallest logistical footprints in its class. A full system consists of 3x Air Vehicles, 3x high-performance EO/IR Epsilon Gimbals, 1 GCS, and 1 MIMO Tracking Antenna. The entire system can be transported in 5 Pelican cases and allows for rapid and easy assembly.

The Penguin C Mk2 VTOL has a 4.5 kg / 9.9 lb payload capability and comes with one of our high-performance EO/IR gyro-stabilized payloads. The most advanced ISR payload that can be included on the Penguin C Mk2 VTOL is our Epsilon 180 gimbal from Octopus ISR, with its class-leading stabilization of 40 uRad jitters, and includes a cooled MWIR thermal imager with continuous 15x optical zoom and a long-range 90x zoom, 4K daylight camera. Other smaller EO/IR payloads, such as our Epsilon 140 series, are also available if desired. The Penguin C Mk2 VTOL also incorporates an innovative rapidly swappable payload nose cone, which can be changed out in less than 2 minutes. The nose cone is gyro-stabilized in the roll axis, therefore adding an additional stabilization axis to any payload that the aircraft carries.

The Penguin C Mk2 VTOL aircraft completed an extensive flight validation program with over 600 successful takeoffs and landings in diverse environmental conditions. The aircraft is capable of routine takeoff and landing in 30 knots (15 m/s) winds as well as operations in extreme temperatures from -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to 122 °F).

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