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IDEX 2021: Lacroix unveils new Galix AOS Automatic Obscurant and Detection System for UAE armed forces.

| 2021

Committed to better serving the Middle-East Armed Forces, Lacroix announces the recent upgrade of its Galix AOS self-protection suite, including a new advanced control unit with enhanced navigation display and acoustic detection capability, with the integration of the state-of-the-art Pilar V from Metravib.

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Lacroix Galix AOS mounted on a NIMR Ajban Mk2 (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The French manufacturer also announces its partnership in the long term with NIMR by showcasing for the first time this innovative Galix AOS upgrade on NIMR’s new Ajban 445 MK2. The new Galix AOS system upgrade now includes acoustic detection. Known for its benchmark performance, Galix is the most advanced self-protection solution, chosen by the French Army to equip Scorpion vehicles, and employed internationally to protect all types of land vehicles (MBT, AMV, LAV, etc.).

Metravib Defence Pilar V is an advanced real-time acoustic gunshot detector (up to 30mm caliber, mortars, RPG) with 360° area coverage, that can be mounted easily on any armored or recognition vehicle.

Lacroix expresses its pride and gratefulness of NIMR’s spokesperson who said about their partnership: “We are delighted to continue our long-standing relationship with Lacroix and integrate the Galix AOS A&N system onto our newly launched Ajban Mk2 vehicles. With the help of our trusted partners, we ensure that our vehicles meet the most stringent end-user requirements“. This joint product launching during IDEX 2021 should also be considered as a new technological step ahead, enhancing the NIMR vehicles survivability and evidencing Lacroix deep involvement in the MENA region through its regional office.

This new feature called AOS A&N (for Automatic Obscurant System/Acoustic & Navigation) expands Galix's capability to enhance vehicle survivability by:

* detecting and locating threats including small and medium caliber weapons, mortars, RPGs,
* shooting in real time the screening response in the most appropriate calculated direction (rules of engagement based on threats, navigation and environmental awareness data)
* displaying the tactical recommended maneuver to the crew.

This technological evolution should be considered as an additional brick of the Galix AOS self-protection suite, including multiple threats detection (laser, acoustic…), battlefield situation analysis and adapted reaction. Lacroix takes advantage of IDEX 2021 to highlight this innovation fitted for new and retrofit vehicle programs.

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Lacroix strengthens its service offering in the UAE and the Middle East

Lacroix presents its local enlarged services offer, with a focus on "Battlefield Readiness", including its Repy/ Viper range of training systems Galix suite technological advances – new control unit with acoustic detection and tactical navigation.

Unveiled during the Euronaval Online 2020 exhibition, Lacroix's enlarged local services are made available for the first time internationally at the opportunity of IDEX 2021. Backed by its local joint venture EDS (Emirates Defense Services), Lacroix has a solid presence to effectively meet the United Arab Emirates armed forces’ operational requirements, for example those of the local training center Al Hamra of the Emirati Armed Forces.

At IDEX 2021, the Lacroix team is therefore especially featuring:
* its "Battlefield Readiness" service offer. The brand new "Battlefield Readiness" offer provides realistic training scenarios comparable to real theatres of operations and combat thanks to the use of various pyrotechnic effects, which were specially designed by Lacroix. The scenarios were developed in total synergy with the most modern combat training centers (CTC, MOUT, etc.) and can be tailored to the operational requirements of each of our customers. They prepare troops for stress management and automatic response acquisition through highly realistic simulation of a combat environment (noise, intensity, smoke, etc.).
* its range of realistic Repy training systems : Lacroix is exhibiting, in particular, the dual-shot model of its innovative Repy realistic pyrotechnic simulation system to complete its training and battlefield readiness offering. REPY simulators (launchers deploying either 2 and 20 rounds) simulate the firing of weapons systems from vehicle-mounted and/or from ground standalone units, as well as effects (masking, artillery, IEDs, etc.). The REPY systems can be used autonomously by training center personnel and can be coupled, notably, with targeting equipment


IDEX 2021:

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