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John Cockerill announces the delivery of more than six hundred turrets.

| 2021

During DSEI 2021, International Defense Exhibition in London, UK, Belgian company John Cockerill has announced that it has already produced and delivered more than six hundred turrets, with over hundred equipped with the Cockerill® 105 gun, also produced by John Cockerill Defense. For the record, John Cockerill Defense won a major contract in 2014 to supply Cockerill® 3000 Series turrets.

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Patria AMV 8x8 armored vehicle fitted with John Cockerill 3000 Series weapon station. (Picture source Army Recognition)

Based on an unprecedented modular concept, the Cockerill 3000 Series is a single platform enabling guns of different calibers and their corresponding technological modules to be integrated onto the same turret: automatic 25 mm, 30 mm, 30/40 mm, 35 mm and 50 mm caliber guns, along with direct fire guns of 90 and 105 mm, which are also able to fire anti-tank missiles.

Thanks to their unique operational capability, the rapid interchangeability of their crews and weapons and their very high level of commonality, the Cockerill® 3000 Series modular turrets can cover all types of missions and objectives on the battlefield (engagement of tanks, bunkers and helicopters, urban combat, intervention in so-called asymmetric conflicts, etc.) at reduced overall operating costs, due to the commonality of the components, training and logistic footprint.

Thanks to its high modularity, the Cockerill 3000 Series allows a quick re-fitting of both crews and guns to be able to cover a wide array of missions and objectives on the battlefield. Thanks to its modularity, the 3000 Series turrets can be easily integrated on a wheeled or tracked chassis weighing as low as 20 tones.

The "standard" form of the Cockerill 3000 Series provides full digital weapon stabilization and digitalized fire control system to deliver a very high target-hit chance. The turret also boasts thermal and day sights to provide 24-hour operation whether the vehicle is moving or static.

Member of the bicentennial John Cockerill Group, John Cockerill Defense is the technological leader in multifunctional, high-effect turrets in the 25-120mm range for light and medium weight armored vehicles. John Cockerill Defense develops and integrates complete and innovative solutions: design, production, integration and upgrade of weapons systems, operational and tactical training, Agueris® simulation systems (virtual immersive, mobile, embedded and inter-connectable), through-life support and innovative functionalities. Marketed under the Cockerill® brand, John Cockerill Defense weapons systems combine superior firepower and lightweight for high-mobility armored vehicles, guaranteeing performance and protection.

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