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Rafael Spike missile successfully integrated and fired from RWS Slovenian Oshkosh JLTV.

| 2021

The SAF (Slovenian Armed Forces) has completed a successful firing of Rafael's Spike LR missiles in a demonstration that took place in Slovenia, December 2020, in front of representatives of the Ministry of Defence and members of the Slovenian Armed Forces.
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Firing of a Spike LR missile from a Slovenian army Oshkosh JLTV (Picture source: Rafael)

The successful live demo included firings of the 12.7mm gun and Spike LR missile from the Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station mounted on JLTV platform. The demo displayed the enhanced capabilities of the Spike launcher, as a force multiplier for the mobilized land forces, enabling precision strike against armored targets with improved precision at extended ranges and beyond-line-of-sight. During the demonstration, the Slovenian army also fired Spike missiles using the new dismounted digital Spike launcher ICLU, as part of ongoing transition in all Spike Missile user nations to new digital NCW-ready launchers and to 5th generation Spike LR2 missiles.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station with Spike LR missile mounted on a Slovenian army Oshkosh JLTV (Picture source: Rafael)

Similarly to all other Spike launchers, the integration of the Spike LR missile to the Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon Station includes a provision for Spike LR2, a fifth-generation multipurpose missile, equipped with improved engagement ranges of up to 5.5 km, with a reduced weight (13.4 kg), enhanced lethality, advanced target recognition and tracking, and a new third-party target allocation (network-enabled) enhancement with an embedded inertial measurement unit (IMU) assembly.

In October 2018, the Slovenian Ministry of Defense signed an inter-governmental Letter of Offer and Acceptance (LOA) with the U.S. Government for the purchase of 38 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV) manufactured by Oshkosh Defense. Slovenia Armed Forces will receive the JLTVs in early 2021. All 38 JLTV platforms will be equipped with Protector RWS.

EuroSpike's (a European Joint Venture between Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Diehl Defence and RheinmettalDefence) Spike LR is part of the wider, multi-platform, multi-purpose, multi-range Spike family of electro-optical missiles.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
Spike LR missile (Picture source: Rafael)


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