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Russia drafts arms program up to 2034 – Part 1.

| 2021

Russia is drafting a new arms program up to 2034. Member of the Military-Industrial Commission Mikhail Osyko told TASS about the design of new ground hardware, military exports and rearmament plans.
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Some prospective arms are a deep upgrade of existing ones. T-72B3, T-80BVM, T-90M (picture here above) tanks are developed from the available fleet to the modern level at a relatively low cost. (Picture source: Russian MoD)

Member of the Military-Industrial Commission Mikhail Osyko said: "A quality leap in the development of the armed struggle changes the views on its preparation and conduct also by the ground forces. It is necessary to decrease the types and list of similar arms and integrate the command system into a single automatic control. Readymade functional systems including weapons, reconnaissance, automatic controls, etc. will be developed instead of specific and effective arms and hardware. Much attention is paid to ground military robots to increase the effectiveness of combat actions and decrease personnel losses. They will promote the development of digital and artificial intelligence technologies".

Osyko believes it is premature to speak about the share of specific arms of forces in the new arms program. It is drafted according to a preset schedule. The total financing will depend on macroeconomic indicators of the national development determined by the Economic Development Ministry. The events and finances will be determined after that. There are the following priorities in the development of the ground forces: robots, precision and hypersonic weapons, supplies of sets of arms and hardware. The deliveries will target formations rather than separate units.

At present, precision arms are delivered mostly to missile brigades. They receive operational-tactical Iskander-M launchers. Guided antitank missiles and precision munitions are also supplied to artillery units. Much attention is paid to drones in the design of prospective reconnaissance systems.

Besides, drones illuminate targets and ensure precision artillery fire. Previously, soldiers on the ground used reconnaissance lasers for illumination. Now the task is fulfilled by drones.

Some prospective arms are a deep upgrade of existing ones. T-72B3, T-80BVM, T-90M tanks are developed from the available fleet to the modern level at a relatively low cost.

The creation of a new weapon is a costly and labor-intensive task. It takes a long time to test all innovations. Surprises often emerge, which the designer could not foresee.

Russia is creating a new Koalitsia self-propelled artillery gun and modernizing its predecessor Msta-SM 2S19M2. The upgrade is done according to test operations in the army and drills. The real operation exposes drawbacks, which were considered as advantages at the initial stage. Compromises and improvements make the weapon more reliable and effective.

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