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Serbian Military Technical Institute showcases Vrabac short-range UAV.

| 2021

Vrabac short-range UAV is designed for day and night reconnaissance/observation operations, border and coastline patrols, and other surveillance missions, either military or civilian.
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Vrabac UAV with its ground control station and transport kit (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The electric UAV features fully autonomous guidance. It is launched by hand or by bungee takeoff. It lands vertically on airbags (with parachute) or smoothly on its belly.

The operational package consists in three UAVs to be controlled by a single ground control station, a remote video terminal, their transport equipment, and a basic toolset.

Wingspan: 2.80m. Length: 1.94m. Maximum launch weight: 9 kg, including a payload not exceeding 1.5 kg. The operational altitude ranges between 300 and 500 meters. Loiter speed: 55 km/h. Maximum speed: 90 km/h. Flight endurance: more than 1.5 hours. Operational radius: 25 km.


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