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Eurosatory 2022: Meprolight showcases advanced version NYX 200 lightweight multi-spectral thermal sight.

| 2022

Meprolight is introducing an advanced version of the NYX 200 multi-spectral thermal sight – the Mepro NYX-200 (T/D-X2.7) - further improving the offering of the NYX product family.
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The versatility of the innovative Mepro NYX-200 (T/D-X2.7) significantly improves tactical flexibility (Picture source: Meprolight)

The new system features a high-quality 12µ thermal core, coupled with improved thermal and day-channel optics, increasing the effective range of the sight by more than 30% without affecting its weight or energy consumption. This advanced model can now efficiently support day and night operations at ranges characterizing marksman missions, under harsh environmental conditions and in any tactical scenario.

The versatility of the innovative Mepro NYX-200 (T/D-X2.7) significantly improves tactical flexibility; its high-quality thermal core, combined with a high-resolution day or low-light digital camera, enables the detection of targets in total darkness, as well as efficient operation in daylight. At night, targets acquired using the NYX-200 thermal channel can be easily designated to friendly forces equipped with an image-intensified night vision system, using the built-in IR pointer. The sight augments situational awareness, survivability and lethality, in any combat scenario.

The NYX 200 has been designed and manufactured to the strictest military standards, ensuring years of reliable operation under all environmental and combat conditions, while integrated DVR improves training efficiency and provides mission analysis capabilities. Additional features and advantages include:
• Seamless switching between channels
• Integrated IR laser pointer for target designation (for users equipped with N.V.)
• Built-in video recording (DVR) and stills capturing with video output
• Powered by 4 commercial “AA” batteries
• Versatile design for handheld or weapon-mounted use
• > 600-meter recognition range for human-size objects (x2.7 model)
• Easy-to-operate controls and graphical user interface (GUI)
• Battle proven and MIL-STD tested

“The innovative design of the multispectral NYX-200 gives its users the advantages of uncooled thermal technology, enabling operations in total darkness while maintaining the ability to observe through glass windows and carry out facial identification using its additional digital channel,” says David Shenhav, S.V.P. Sales & Marketing – Defense, at Meprolight. “This unique combination provides unmatched tactical flexibility. We are proud to announce that the new sight has already been supplied to defense-sector customers in Europe, Asia, and South America. We expect this latest product enhancement to increase market potential and further drive product sales.”

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
The versatility of the innovative Mepro NYX-200 (T/D-X2.7) significantly improves tactical flexibility (Picture source: Meprolight)

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