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Eurosatory 2022: Spear showcases Ninox 103 Sub-to-Air UAS system.
According to a PR published by SpearUAV on June 13, 2022, the developer of autonomous, AI-based technology for encapsulated Swarm-based UAS - is unveiling the encapsulated Ninox 103 Sub-to-Air loitering UAS, which for the first time enables the launch of sub-marine drones into the air, providing immediate beyond-line-of-sight situational awareness.
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Ninox 103 Sub-to-air UAS system at Spear's booth, Paris. (Picture source: Spear)
Designed for undetectable, underwater launch, and focusing on existing operational needs, the Ninox 103 Sub-to-Air is an autonomous AI-based system. Intuitive and easy to operate, it provides the most effective way for submarines, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), and other underwater platforms to gain instant aerial capabilities, supporting various missions, including those of special forces, reconnaissance, and joint-force operations.
Capable of instantaneous launch, the system enables the vessel’s team to receive real-time imaging beyond the coastline, at long ranges, while remaining undetected and at a distance from land.
Ruggedized for harsh underwater and maritime environments, the Ninox 103 is payload agnostic, with an open architecture that enables third-party data link integration. Seamlessly integrated into existing submarine launching infrastructure, its low visual, thermal, and acoustic signatures support stealth-mode operation.
SpearUAVs’Ninox family of encapsulated UAS are instantly launched - in individual or swarm configuration - and intuitively operated. Providing combat-proven on-demand and on-the-move air capabilities, and delivering instant ISTAR missions and aerial loitering munition for precision attack, Ninox empowers individual warfighters and equips manned and unmanned vehicles and allied systems with a new aerial dimension that meets the challenges of today’s urban battlefield.
Featuring an encapsulated drone and a control unit, the Ninox 40 weighs under 250 g – within regulatory limitations – and is lightweight enough to be carried in the soldier’s vest during combat.
The Ninox 40 has up to 35 minutes, flight capability, and extensive ISTAR capabilities, with a low noise level, low thermal signature, and low RCS. Features a day or night-mode payload for enhanced situational awareness, and automatic tracking and can be launched on the move (OTM) or from undercover.