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Oshkosh Defense to produce EHETS Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System trailers for US Army.

| 2022

Oshkosh Defense announced on September 26 that it was awarded a contract by the U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armament Command (TACOM) to produce Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHETS) trailers for the U.S. Army. Oshkosh will execute the contract with the support of its major subcontractor, Broshuis B.V.
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Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
Oshkosh Defense M1300/M1302 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System  (EHETS) (Picture source: U.S. Army)

The competitively awarded five-year requirements contract is valued at $263.2 Million for an estimated 466 trailers and associated logistics products and support services. Under the first delivery order, valued at $37.6 Million, Oshkosh Defense will produce five test trailers for Product Verification Testing (PVT), Operational Testing (OT), Logistics Development and Engineering Development, along with 68 production trailers.

“One of Oshkosh’s core competencies is partnering with our customers to develop and deliver vehicles and trailers specifically designed to meet stringent military requirements and survive the rigors of modern combat,” said Pat Williams, Vice President and General Manager of U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps Programs for Oshkosh Defense. “The EHETS trailer is one such example of our commitment to meeting our customer’s mission requirements. We are proud that the U.S. Army has once again called on us to produce another mission-critical trailer,” Williams concluded.

Oshkosh Defense designed the EHETS trailer to be pulled by the Oshkosh Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET) A1 currently in service with the U.S. Army. The combined HET A1 and EHETS trailer system is designed to self-load and unload and can haul a payload of up to 90 tons, allowing it to transport the heaviest Army tracked vehicles, including current and future versions of Main Battle Tanks (MBTs), while also obtaining European road permissions at required payloads.

Broshuis B.V.

Broshuis B.V. is a 100% family-owned, Dutch company and one of the largest specialty trailer manufacturers in Europe. Founded in 1885, Broshuis B.V. is known in the market because of its focus on innovation, quality and safety. They introduced the market-changing multi-extendible trailers (up to 227 feet), independent and power-steered HD suspensions and the refined PL2 pendular axle system which is fitted to the HET trailer. Broshuis B.V. experience and project management led to numerous contracts for supplying specialty trailers to various militaries in the last decades.

Broshuis BV also provides unique solutions for special transport. It supplies high-quality low loaders, semi-low loaders, flat semi-trailers and container trailers to provide long-lasting transport solutions, for various purposes. They provide transport equipment used in agriculture, construction, infrastructure, wind energy and container transport with all its products produced on 1 site of 100.000m².

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
Oshkosh Defense M1300/M1302 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System  (EHETS) (Picture source: Oshkosh Defense)

M1300/M1302 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHETS)

The M1300/M1302 Enhanced Heavy Equipment Transporter System (EHETS) deploys transports, recovers and evacuates the heaviest M1A2 Abrams tank and other combat vehicles of similar weight to and from the battlefield. The M1300 tractor and M1302 trailer will replace M1070A1/M1000 as the U.S. Army’s modernizes the Heavy Equipment Transporter fleet. The M1300/M1302 EHETS was developed to accommodate the 82-ton weight of the M1 Abrams family of main battle tanks and meet European highway requirements. The M1300 tractor provides line-haul, local-haul and maintenance evacuation during tactical operations worldwide. The EHETS is designed to carry both the tank and its crew.

The M1300 tractor is a modified M1070A1 HET tractor. The M1300 tractor consists of weight reduction and powertrain upgrade modifications. The powertrain upgrade includes a two-speed transfer case to increase towing capacity and reliability. The M1300 is designed to accept the HET Urban Survivability Kit (HUSK) armored cab. The M1302 trailer is a new production 8-axle, flatbed trailer with automatic rear ramps.


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