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Rheinmetall subsidiary ZMS supplies Ukraine with mobile computer tomography shelters.

| 2022

A joint effort by the German aid organization ADRA Deutschland e.V., the German NGO Aktionskreis Wirtschaft-Politik-Wissenschaft e.V., and Rheinmetall subsidiary Zeppelin Mobile Systeme GmbH (ZMS) shows what can be achieved when capable people team up in pursuit of a good cause. Working together, they were able to supply urgently needed medical technology to Ukraine in very short order.
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ZMS tomography shelter (Picture source: Rheinmetall)

In June 2022, representatives of Zeppelin Mobile Systeme (ZMS) handed over two computer tomography shelters to Mr Christian Molke, Chairman of the Board of ADRA Deutschland e.V. and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V. at its Meckenbeuren location, with Mr Tobias Kurzmaier, Aktionskreis Wirtschaft-Politik-Wissenschaft e.V., in attendance. These shelters are designed for high-mobility operations under extreme conditions. On behalf of the Mayor of Kyiv, Dr Vitali Klitschko, retired state secretary Dr Bogdan Balasynovych took delivery of the shelters as well as peripheral equipment, including two trucks and a mobile generator for the city of Kyiv. The aid organization ADRA Deutschland e.V. is thus providing direct support to the people of the Ukrainian capital. Intended for civilian use in and around Kyiv, the two mobile units will make a vital contribution to the provision of local medical care.

“We are extremely grateful to everyone involved in this effort for their terrific commitment. Everybody knew that time was of the essence when people’s lives were at stake, especially given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Cooperation was invariably fast, flexible and solution-oriented”, reports Christian Molke, summing up the delivery of state-of-the-art medical technology to Ukraine.

“In supplying these expandable 3:1 shelters with their built-in computer tomography systems, ADRA Deutschland has provided the city of Kyiv with highly mobile, state-of-the-art medical technology that our customers need for conducting autarkic operations under the most extreme conditions”, explains Alexander Lutz, head of sales at Zeppelin Mobile Systeme GmbH.

“Just six weeks elapsed between receipt of the order through ADRA Deutschland e.V. and transfer of the shelters to the city of Kyiv at the beginning of June”, notes Hauke H. Bindzus, chairman of the ZMS board of management. “Together with our strategic partners like Siemens as well as ADRA, the initiator and donor, and Aktionskreis Wirtschaft-Politik-Wissenschaft e.V., we demonstrated the pragmatism necessary for getting the job done”, adds Bindzus. “Moreover, we’re especially happy that we could contribute in this way to improving the situation of the people in Ukraine.”

Dr. Bogdan Balasynovych, who was instrumental in getting the shelters to Kyiv, has now confirmed that they have arrived safely and have been handed over to their users.

Numerous international volunteer helpers are supporting ADRA-Nothilfe in Ukraine, as are donors from Germany, and resources from the charity Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Furthermore, ADRA Deutschland e.V. is working together with the German Foreign Office to support more than 50,000 refugees in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldovia with food packages, hygiene articles and cash.

Zeppelin Mobile Systeme GmbH is a leading maker of individualized, customer-specific shelter solutions which, as mobile functional spaces, create environmental conditions that would otherwise only be possible in permanent buildings. With its expertise in setting up mobile medical facilities and ability to integrate state-of-the-art medical technology into existing infrastructure, the ZMS range of products and services is built on cutting-edge innovation.


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