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Swedish army orders more Grkpbv 90 armored mortar carriers from Hägglund Bofors.

| 2022

The Swedish Armed Forces Materiel Administration has placed an order at Hägglund Bofors Utveckling for twenty additional Granatkastaranscarband 90 (Grkpbv 90) armored mobile mortars. The order value is approximately SEK 500 million and delivery to the Armed Forces is planned for 2023 to 2025.
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Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
120mm mortar carrier Granatkastaranscarband 90 (GRKPBV 90) of the Swedish army (Picture source: Swedish MoD)

FMV recently delivered 40 grenade launcher (or mortar) armored vehicles 90 (Grkpbv 90). They are based on a chassis of the CV 90 (Combat Vehicle 90) with a newly developed turret fitted with a grenade launcher function. FMV is now ordering another twenty vehicles and integrating the army's new command support system, LSS Mark, into these and into the 40 already delivered vehicles. Deliveries are planned for the period 2023 to 2025.

By the end of 2016, the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) had signed an agreement with HB Development (HB Utveckling AB, the joint venture between BAE Systems Bofors AB and BAE Systems Hägglunds AB) for the production and delivery of 40 120mm mortar carriers Grkpbv 90 to the Swedish army.

The first 4 vehicles were to be used for training, method tests and validation. The first regular vehicles were delivered in August 2019, and the other ones in 2020.

The Granatkastarpansarbandvagn 90 (Grkpbv90) is a grenade launcher carrier expected to act as an artillery system based on the Combat Vehicle 90 (CV90), a family of tracked combat vehicles. These vehicles are equiped with their own navigation system, the POS2.

Grkpbv90 enables fast grouping, shooting and regrouping. The crew can operate under the constant protection of the hull, without needing to reload the mortars from outside. The new contract will provide the Armed Forces with more indirect firepower and support for the mechanized battalions.

The additional Grkpbv 90s are part of a larger modernization program of the Swedish Combat Vehicle 90 fleet that will both extend the life of the vehicles, add new capabilities and introduce the army's new command support system.

Grkpbv90 has a crew of 4: driver, vehicle commander (who is also the shooter), and 2 loaders.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news
Firing of a 120mm round by a Granatkastaranscarband 90 (GRKPBV 90) of the Swedish army (Picture source: Swedish MoD)


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