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US confirms new military aid to Ukraine with HIMARS guided rockets and artillery ammunition.

| 2022

According to information published by the United States Department of Defense on August 8, 2022, the United States approves a new military aid to Ukraine of $1 billion including additional ammunition for both the HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) and howitzer artillery vehicles.
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The High Mobility Artillery Rocket System fires the Army's new guided Multiple Launch Rocket System during testing at White Sands Missile Range. (Picture source U.S. DoD)

Among the items included in the latest package are additional ammunition for the high mobility artillery rocket system, or HIMARS, 75,000 rounds of 155 mm artillery ammunition, twenty 120 mm mortar systems and 20,000 rounds of 120 mm mortar ammunition, munitions for the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems, or NASAMS and 1,000 Javelin and hundreds of AT4 anti-armor systems.

With this new $1 billion military aid, the United States is once again showing its support for Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. Since the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, the U.S. has sent about $9.1 billion in security assistance to the Ukrainians through both the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and the presidential drawdown authority.

One type of munitions that the U.S. Department of Defense has sent to Ukraine for use with the HIMARS is the "Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System" or GMLRS, which are precision-guided rocket with a range of about 70 km. The U.S. had provided "hundreds" of that ammunition in the past few weeks and the Ukrainians have been using them successfully.

Since the delivery of HIMARS MLRSs (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) to Ukraine, the Ukrainians have used the HIMARS along with provided GMLRS rockets to hit Russian command and control nodes, sustainment and logistics hubs and key radar systems, for instance.

This new military package for Ukraine also includes 50 armored medical treatment vehicles, Claymore anti-personnel munitions, C-4 explosives, demolition munitions and demolition equipment and medical supplies such as first aid kits, bandages, monitors and other equipment.

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