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Argentina Unveils First Modernized Hughes 500 Helicopter for its Air Force.

At the military base of Aeroparque, the Argentine Air Force officially presented the first modernized Hughes 500D helicopter. This event also highlighted two advanced IA-63 Pampa III Block II trainers and the sixth Beechcraft TC-12B Huron. The ceremony took place on June 6, 2024. It was attended by the Argentine Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, accompanied by the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Isaac, the Chief of the General Staff of the Air Force, Brigadier Major Mengo, as well as the heads of the Argentine Army and Navy.
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The Argentine Air Force officially presented the first modernized Hughes 500D helicopter. (Picture source: Argentinian MoD)

In 2023, the Argentine Air Force launched a program to update, standardize, and eliminate obsolescence in the Hughes 500D helicopters operated by the VII Air Brigade. Details of the project can be found in BAPIN 138018, which planned a direct investment of 82 million pesos for 2023 and 121 million for 2024. This initiative was first announced at the end of 2022 by the then Chief of the Air Force General Staff, now Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Xavier Isaac. He indicated that the cabin digitalization would be entirely carried out by technical personnel from the material areas of Rio Cuarto (ARMACUAR) and Quilmes (AMQ).

The Chief of the General Staff of the Argentine Air Force, Brigadier Major Fernando Luis Mengo, explained that the modernization of the Hughes-500 is the first initiative fully undertaken by the Air Force, bringing this system up to the operational standards of the 21st century. The process included complete digitization, allowing the helicopter to operate under more advanced visual conditions. Additionally, this modification received a military certification, a first for the Air Force.

Brigadier Major Mengo emphasized the work done by the Maintenance Group at the Quilmes Material Area, noting the completion of the first phase, which will culminate in the modernization of the entire Hughes-500 weapons system. The next phase will focus on the SA315B Lama helicopters of the IV Air Brigade, based in Mendoza.

The updates included a complete overhaul of the cabins of the light helicopters, meeting the requirements of the VII Air Brigade. The objective was to improve the visibility of flight parameters and optimize operational capacity with new avionics systems. The program involved installing new equipment such as two GDU 700 displays for flight information, two GTN 650TXi units to enhance communication and navigation, a new transponder, a radio altimeter, and an audio box with digital processing.

Regarding the presentation of IA-63 Pampa III Block II trainers, Brigadier Major Mengo indicated that the conversion of a Pampa II to a Pampa III will strengthen the squadron at the Rio Gallego base in the Tenth Air Brigade. This upgrade, along with a simulator provided by FADEA, will enable the Fighter School to train and prepare combat pilots to meet the needs of the 21st century, particularly in anticipation of the new F-16 weapons system.

Brigadier General Javier Julián Isaac, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, emphasized the broader impact of this modernization, which represents a fundamental qualitative leap for the Armed Forces. He also mentioned the tireless and quiet work of many men and women on projects that, while less publicized, are essential to military capabilities.

He brought attention to the expertise of the personnel, noting that simultaneously, work was being carried out on the B-200 in Rio Cuarto, while FAdeA continued the modernization of the Pampas. What stands out today is not just the finished product, but the immense effort and dedication behind it.

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