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BAE Systems Showcases M777A2 155mm Howitzer Successfully Used in Ukraine at Eurosatory 2024.

At Eurosatory 2024, BAE Systems showcased the M777 A2 Howitzer, a 155mm lightweight artillery system. This howitzer is distinguished by its strategic and tactical mobility, designed to enhance survivability through reduced thermal and radar signatures. The system is capable of rapid deployment and quick displacement, featuring an ultra-low silhouette. Weighing under 10,000 pounds, the M777 is the world’s first 155mm Howitzer of this weight class, representing a notable development in military artillery technology.
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BAE Systems  M777 A2 155mm Towed Howitzer 
(Picture source: Army Recognition)

Designed with advanced titanium and aluminum alloys, the M777 A2 towed howitzer is not only lightweight but also highly mobile and easily transportable by land, sea, and air. This portability ensures a minimal logistical footprint and maximum reliability, essential for operations requiring frequent movements and redeployments without the risk of encountering improvised explosive devices (IEDs) typically faced by self-propelled systems.

The operational efficiency of the M777 A2 extends to various terrains and obstacles, with the ability to strike at long distances. It is compatible with all standard types of ammunition, including advanced rounds such as BONUS and EXCALIBUR, demonstrating its versatility and adaptability in combat scenarios. The performance and reliability of the artillery system have been proven in combat, particularly during its deployment in Afghanistan since 2006, where it has fired over 360,000 rounds under challenging conditions.

Initially developed for the Marine Corps and the U.S. Army as a next-generation medium force weapon, the M777 has become a benchmark for light 155mm towed artillery systems. The system has been adopted by several international forces, including those of the United States, Canada, Australia, and India, with total orders currently exceeding 1,200 units, affirming its crucial role and trusted performance in global defense strategies.

The M777 Towed Howitzer from BAE Systems is a 39-caliber artillery piece designed to provide reliable and advanced fire support in the most hostile conditions. This artillery system, which sets standards in modern armament, is capable of reaching targets at a maximum distance of 24.7 km unassisted and over 30 km with assistance, thanks to its assisted firing system.

The firing rate of the M777 is particularly notable, with the ability to launch four shells per minute in intense mode for up to two minutes, and two shells per minute in sustained mode. This feature allows armed forces to maintain constant pressure during extended operations. In terms of maneuverability, the howitzer can be deployed in less than three minutes and removed between two and three minutes, thus facilitating rapid movements and strategic redeployments.

Regarding firing orientation, the M777 howitzer offers a maximum elevation of +1,275 mm and a depression of -43 mm, with a traverse capacity of 400 mils to the left and right on the mount, which is expandable up to 6,400 mils thanks to a quick change system. This allows great flexibility and precision in targeting.

The howitzer is also designed to use all current and developing 155mm standard munitions from the United States and NATO, including those from the Modular Artillery Charge System (MACS). This compatibility ensures that the M777 can easily integrate into different weapon systems and meet future requirements without needing major modifications.

In terms of mobility, the M777 can reach a maximum speed of 88 km/h on roads and 24 km/h off-road. It is compatible with a variety of towing vehicles, including MTVR, FMTV, 5-ton M800 and M900 trucks, as well as any 2.5-ton truck. For air transport, it is suitable for fixed-wing aircraft such as the C130, C141, C17, C5, and can be transported by air means such as the CH53E, CH47D, and MV22. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the construction of the M777 in titanium significantly lightens the cannon, thus increasing its portability and enabling it to be air-transportable. This feature ensures great flexibility and the ability to be rapidly deployed in various operational theaters around the world.

As a reminder, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the United States, Australia, and Canada provided M777 howitzers to the Ukrainian army. Initially, 18 units were delivered, followed by an announcement in April 2022 of 72 additional towed artillery pieces by the United States, bringing the total to 108 by the end of May 2022 and reaching 142 by mid-October 2022. Canada also contributed, though the exact number is unspecified; four units are reported to have been delivered by Canada and six by Australia.

In 2023, the M777 assembly line has been out of service for several years. A multi-year framework order would be necessary to restart production. In January 2024, the decision to restart the assembly line was made, with the first deliveries scheduled for 2025.

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