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Baltics countries and Poland building fortress Europe amid Russian threat.

Poland and the Baltic states have proposed constructing a defense line along the border with Russia and Belarus. They have sent a letter to this effect to the EU, according to Reuters.
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Polish Prime ministe, Donald Tusk, visiting Troops  on Eastern border to announce creation of new fortification line (Picture source: Polish Prime minister on X )

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia have sent a letter to the EU, which will be discussed at a summit in Brussels. The leaders of the four countries, which share borders with Russia and Belarus, stated that the project aimed at protecting the 27-country, 450-million-inhabitant bloc would also require financial support from all members.

"The construction of a defense infrastructure system along the EU's external border with Russia and Belarus will address the urgent and pressing need to protect the EU against military and hybrid threats," the letter reads.

Hybrid threats refer to a combination of military and non-military means, as well as covert and overt methods, including disinformation, cyberattacks, economic pressure, and the transfer of migrants across borders.

The leaders of the four EU countries believe that the construction of the defense line should be coordinated with NATO. According to the publication, the project involves building a 700-kilometer defense line. Some European diplomats estimate the construction cost at 2.5 billion euros.

European investments in defense are expected to be one of the main topics of discussion for European leaders at the summit.

Situation at the Belarus-Poland Border

Poland has already started reinforcing its border with Belarus. This was mainly due to the migration crisis initiated in 2021, during which thousands of illegal migrants attempted to enter Poland from Belarus. Another reason is the deployment of Russian troops, including Wagner forces, on Belarusian territory. Recently, a Polish border guard soldier was killed by an Afghan migrant.

This logic of the Baltic states and Poland to fortify themselves follows the recent Polish decisions. Indeed, Poland had announced the construction of a new military unit to be stationed in the town of Czarna-Białostocka, located 35 kilometers from Belarus. This creation of the unit is presented as a response to Belarusian hybrid attacks. In parallel, having announced in April 2024 the establishment of minefields along the border, it is now a question of creating modern concrete fortifications in the form of bunkers, shooting and observation posts, jamming zones, and anti-aircraft posts along the border with Belarus.

In conclusion, the Baltic countries and Poland are seriously beginning to fear being the next on Russia's list of conquests. They are thus massively preparing for a future conflict. This is part of the broader European trend of preparing for high-intensity conflict. These Baltic states are strategically positioned for Russia and represent a threat to it as they are included in NATO. Soon, one might talk about the Baltic fortress.

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