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China's 2024 Defense Budget Increased to $222 Billion World’s Second-Highest Behind United States.

| Defense News Army 2024

China on March 05, 2024, announced a 7.2% increase in its defense budget, which is already the world’s second-highest behind the United States at $222 billion, roughly mirroring last year’s rise. China has been increasing its defense budget consistently over the years due to a complex mix of strategic, political, and economic motivations. At the heart of this trend is the country's ambition to modernize its military capabilities.
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PLA's hypersonic missile Denfong-17 ( DF17) was displayed in 2019 during a military parade.  (Picture source: PLA )

Tensions with the U.S., Taiwan, Japan and neighbors with competing claims to the crucial South China Sea are seen as furthering growth in high-tech military technologies from stealth fighters to aircraft carriers and a growing arsenal of nuclear weapons.

The official budget figure announced on March 05, 2024, at the opening of the legislature’s annual meeting is considered only a fraction of spending by the People’s Liberation Army, the military wing of the ruling Communist Party, once spending on research and development and foreign weapons purchases are considered.

“We will provide stronger financial guarantees for efforts to modernize our national defense and the armed forces on all fronts and consolidate and enhance integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities,” Premier Li Qiang told the assembly of nearly 3,000 carefully selected participants, who showed overwhelming loyalty to the Communist Party and its leader, Xi Jinping.

China’s defense budget has more than doubled since 2015, even as the country’s economic growth rate has slowed considerably. However, the country’s continuing ambition is to challenge the U.S. and its allies in Asia including Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Australia over territorial claims, regional leadership, and a bigger say in world affairs.

China seeks to ensure its armed forces, the People's Liberation Army (PLA), are equipped with the latest technological advancements to match or even surpass those of global leading powers. This drive for military modernization encompasses the development of new weapons systems, the enhancement of existing military hardware, and significant investment in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, cyber capabilities, and space warfare.

Additionally, China's regional and global ambitions play a critical role in its defense spending. As the country seeks to assert its influence in Asia and beyond, a strong military is seen as crucial for protecting its interests, projecting power, and securing its claims, particularly in contested areas such as the South China Sea. This strategy is also aimed at deterring potential adversaries and ensuring China's voice is prominent in international affairs.

Another factor is the internal dimension. Boosting defense spending is a way for the Chinese government to maintain national pride and unity, showcasing the country's strength and resilience. It also supports economic objectives by driving technological innovation and industrial development, which in turn can have civilian applications and contribute to economic growth.

The 2024 defense budget highlights a clear shift towards modernizing the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), underscoring advancements in hypersonic missiles, stealth aircraft, and naval assets to enhance blue-water operational capabilities. Additionally, China is investing heavily in satellite technology to improve its surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, aiming for an integrated approach to warfare that combines cyber, space, and traditional combat operations.

The move reflects Beijing's ambition to establish a more dominant position on the global stage, amid growing geopolitical tensions and competition with major powers.

Defense News March 2024

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