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EUROSATORY 2024 To Welcome Armenia for the First Time.

For the first time, Armenia will participate in EUROSATORY, the leading global trade show for land and air-land defense and security, which will take place from June 17 to 21, 2024, in Paris. Under the auspices of the France-Armenia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, chaired by Tigran Arakelian, the Armenian pavilion will gather several member companies from the Armenian military-industrial complex.
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Armenian companies seize a pivotal opportunity to showcase their technologies and connect with international partners at EUROSATORY 2024 (Picture source: Armenian MoD)

This event will provide a significant opportunity for these Armenian companies to showcase their technologies and solutions in Europe. They aim to establish contacts and potentially sign contracts with international partners during the expo, which will host over 1,800 exhibitors and 98,000 visitors and professionals from 90 countries.

Additionally, a Franco-Armenian conference is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, in the GICAT pavilion (Group of French Land and Air-Land Defense and Security Industries). This conference will discuss Armenia's defense needs and the ongoing cooperation with France. It will feature the participation of Suren Papikian, the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, Mkhitar Hayrapetyan, the Minister of High Technological Industry, as well as representatives from GICAT, the France-Armenia CCI, and its members.

Armenia's presence at EUROSATORY 2024 marks a significant step for the country, reflecting its commitment to strengthening its defense capabilities and expanding its defense industry on the international stage, particularly in light of the conflict with Azerbaijan. This development also opens avenues for increased cooperation between Armenia and other nations and illustrates its partnership with France.

The military cooperation between Armenia and France involves strategic exchanges, joint training, and defense equipment agreements. This bilateral relationship aims to strengthen military capabilities and promote regional security. Through training programs and joint exercises, the two countries share expertise and technology to address contemporary security challenges. These initiatives contribute to the modernization of the Armenian armed forces while reinforcing France's position as a leader in European defense.

Specific aspects of this cooperation include the sale of French military equipment to Armenia, such as armored vehicles and advanced communication systems. An example of joint training is the "Caucasus Shield" operation, where French and Armenian forces train together in simulations of territorial defense and crisis response. These interactions go beyond material transactions and include the transfer of know-how and logistical support, underscoring the deep commitment of both nations to regional and international stability.

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