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Exclusive: French Ministry confirms delivery of two Mica VL air defense systems ahead of Paris Olympics.

On June 19, 2024, during a discussion at Eurosatory 2024, a representative from the French Ministry of the Armed Forces informed the Army Recognition editorial team about the delivery of two Mica VL air defense systems to the French Air and Space Force (Armée de l'air et de l'espace). This development follows the January 2024 announcement that the Crotale NG systems currently in service would be replaced by 12 VL-MICA systems by 2035.
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Introduced in 2010, the VL MICA (Vertical Launch MICA) is a ground and naval-based variant of the French MICA missile, providing short-range air defense. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The first two Mica VL systems will replace the Crotale NG units transferred to Ukraine, with delivery scheduled before summer 2024, aimed at enhancing security for the upcoming Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games. The procurement of these air defense systems is detailed in the French National Assembly's report n° 1745, submitted on October 14, 2023. The 2024 finance bill proposes increasing the budget for Program 146, Equipment of the Forces, to €24.4 billion in commitments (a 3.7% increase) and €16.6 billion in payments (a 7.9% increase). This budget augmentation aligns with the progression of armament programs initiated by the 2019-2025 Military Programming Law (LPM) and continues with the 2024-2030 LPM.

Under this framework, the 2024-2030 LPM allocates €5 billion to surface-to-air defense, funding various anti-aircraft weaponry programs. This funding aims to modernize and develop existing capacities and consolidate the stockpile of anti-aircraft missiles, adhering to a war economy logic. The emphasis is on medium-range and low-layer ground-to-air defense.

The DSABC program, standing for "Défense Surface-Air Basse Couche" (Low-Layer Surface-to-Air Defense), was launched in 2023 to renew and modernize short-range surface-to-air defense capabilities for the Army, the Air and Space Force, and the Navy. Priorities set with the armed forces include renewing the short-range Crotale component for the Air and Space Force (with two systems delivered to Ukraine from the existing 12), creating a mobile and protected terrestrial maneuver support component for the Army, and ensuring the self-protection of second-tier ships for the Navy.

The initial phase of the DSABC program involves rapidly increasing the stock of Mistral missiles and acquiring two Mica surface-to-air missile systems (vertical launch Mica). In 2024, an initial batch of Mistral missiles and the two VL Mica systems will be received. The budget for this increment is €702 million in commitments and €107 million in payments, with an additional €523 million in commitments expected in the following year. This investment aims to bolster France's surface-to-air defense capabilities.

The MICA missile, standing for Missile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Auto-défense (Interception, Combat and Self-protection Missile), developed by MBDA, is an air-to-air missile system designed for interception, combat, and self-defense. Initially developed in 1996 for the French Rafale and Mirage 2000 fighters, the MICA features dual seeker technology with infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) guidance options. This allows the MICA to engage various targets under different weather conditions and combat scenarios. The fire-and-forget capability enables the missile to engage multiple targets simultaneously. The MICA system is utilized by several air forces, including those of France, UAE, Greece, and Taiwan.

The VL MICA (Vertical Launch MICA) is a ground and naval-based variant of the MICA missile, providing short-range air defense. Introduced in 2010, it retains the dual seeker technology with IR and RF guidance to defend against aircraft, helicopters, drones, and missiles. The VL MICA system is modular, deployable on trucks and naval vessels, and offers 360-degree coverage. It has a high rate of fire, with a two-second launch interval, and a range exceeding 10 kilometers, reaching altitudes over 9 kilometers. Recent developments include the VL MICA NG (New Generation), which features improved propulsion and advanced seekers, extending the range to 40 kilometers.

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