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General Dynamics UK Launches New Foxhound GMRV General Multi-Role Vehicle.

During the Defense Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) exhibition held in Millbrook in September this year, United Kingdom, General Dynamics UK made headlines with the launch of a new variant of its Foxhound Light Protected Patrol Vehicle (LPPV), the Foxhound General Multi-Role Vehicle (GMRV). With its cutting-edge design and modular adaptability, the GMRV promises unparalleled versatility to the battlefield and beyond.
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General Dynamics UK launches its new Foxhound GMRV during the DVD defense exhibition in Millbrook, UK. (Picture source: Army Recognition Group)

The Foxhound GMRV is designed to perform in the most challenging environments, demonstrating a combination of protection, mobility, and flexibility. Its modular design offers a significant advantage, allowing the vehicle to adapt to various mission requirements. The platform can be configured for multiple roles with a newly designed mission module, giving it unmatched operational efficiency.

The GMRV variant incorporates a highly protected crew compartment with advanced self-defense weaponry that can be operated directly from within, ensuring optimal crew safety. Furthermore, the vehicle’s structure has been engineered to accommodate a NATO-standard pallet at the rear, offering limitless possibilities for integrating complex mission systems. These could include Short-Range Air Defence Systems (SHORAD) and other mission-critical technologies, expanding its role beyond a traditional patrol vehicle.

By enhancing both protection and firepower while retaining the core capabilities of the original Foxhound, the GMRV is set to be a game-changer for military operations. General Dynamics UK aims to leverage this new variant for both the British Army and international allies, focusing on exportability to partners worldwide. The vehicle is designed, developed, and manufactured entirely in the United Kingdom, ensuring quality control and aligning with the nation's defense industrial strategy.

The original Foxhound LPPV has long been celebrated for its protection and mobility in high-risk environments. This new GMRV variant continues that legacy but with significant improvements in operational flexibility and modular integration. The ability to seamlessly switch between roles—from patrol to air defense—without needing a completely different vehicle underlines its value on the modern battlefield.

As military forces worldwide face increasingly complex operational landscapes, the Foxhound GMRV is poised to offer a solution that can evolve alongside these changing demands. With its development and production firmly rooted in the UK, the vehicle also serves as a testament to its defense capabilities and commitment to innovation.

General Dynamics UK’s introduction of the Foxhound General Multi-Role Vehicle at the DVD exhibition marks a significant step forward in the evolution of light protected patrol vehicles. With its modular adaptability, enhanced protection, and potential for advanced system integration, the GMRV is set to play a pivotal role in the future of military operations for the British Army and beyond. This launch strengthens the Foxhound platform and opens new possibilities for collaboration and export with global defense partners, further cementing the UK’s position in the defense technology sector.

The rear of the Foxhound General Multi-Role Vehicle (GMRV) is designed with the volume to fit a NATO pallet and offers endless possibilities for integrating complex mission systems such as Short-Range Air Defence Systems. (Picture source Army Recognition Group)

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