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Germany to Boost IRIS-T Air Defense Missile Systems Production Amid Rising Demand and Ukraine War.

Berlin, Germany, June 6, 2024 — At the ILA Air Show in Berlin, German Company Diehl Defence's CEO announced a significant increase in the IRIS-T air defense missile production, driven by escalating international demand and the ongoing war in Ukraine.
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Truck launcher unit of German-made IRIS-T SLM air defense missile system at ILA 2024, Berlin, Germany. (Picture source: Army Recognition Group)

The CEO of Diehl Defence, amid a backdrop of heightened security concerns, outlined plans to produce a minimum of 10 firing units annually starting in 2026 and to double the production of IRIS-T medium-range missiles from 2025. This marks the second announcement in nine months regarding increased IRIS-T production, reflecting Germany's commitment to bolstering its defense capabilities in response to growing threats from Russia's continued advance in Ukraine.

To date, Germany has supplied two IRIS-T units to Ukraine, where they are deployed primarily to defend Kyiv against Russian missile attacks. Germany has pledged to deliver an additional six IRIS-T units to Ukraine. In addition to supporting Ukraine, Germany is preparing to enhance its own defense forces, expecting the first delivery of six systems for its air force in October 2024.

This strategic move by Diehl Defence not only underscores the increasing reliance on advanced missile defense systems amid global security tensions but also highlights Germany's proactive steps in strengthening its military capabilities. The increased production of IRIS-T missiles is anticipated to meet the growing needs of international allies and support ongoing efforts to safeguard European airspace.

As global defense dynamics evolve, Diehl Defence's expansion plans position the company at the forefront of air defense technology, contributing significantly to both national and international security frameworks.

The IRIS-T SLM air defense system is designed with an impressive array of technical features that enhance its combat capabilities. The system's engagement range extends up to 40 kilometers, providing a substantial protective buffer against incoming threats. It is capable of intercepting targets at altitudes ranging from very low to high, up to 20 kilometers, ensuring comprehensive coverage across various threat profiles. This versatility allows the IRIS-T SLM to effectively engage and neutralize a wide range of aerial targets, including fast-moving aircraft, helicopters, drones, cruise missiles, and even other ballistic missiles.

Key technical features include its advanced infrared seeker, which offers high sensitivity and precision in target detection and tracking, even in adverse weather conditions and countermeasure environments. The missile's high agility is achieved through thrust vector control, enabling rapid maneuvering to intercept agile targets. The system is equipped with a multi-function phased array radar that provides 360-degree coverage, high-resolution tracking, and discrimination capabilities, allowing for the detection and engagement of multiple targets simultaneously.

Additionally, the IRIS-T SLM features a highly automated command and control unit that facilitates seamless integration with other defense systems, ensuring coordinated and efficient threat response. The system's modular design enables rapid deployment and scalability, making it suitable for both fixed installations and mobile operations.

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