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Hyundai WIA Reinvents Light Artillery for Modern Battlefield in Poland.

At MSPO 2024, Hyundai WIA made a significant impression with the unveiling of its 105mm Light Self-Propelled Howitzer. This modern artillery system is designed to enhance the fire support capabilities of light infantry brigades and airborne units. The system is part of a broader South Korean initiative aimed at modernizing its artillery and offering mobile, agile firepower for various combat scenarios.
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The 105mm howitzer is mounted on a Korea Light Tactical Vehicle. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

The 105mm howitzer is mounted on a Korea Light Tactical Vehicle (KLTV), which provides exceptional mobility even in challenging terrains or confined spaces. This feature is crucial for operations that require rapid and flexible responses, such as airborne deployments or missions in remote areas. The system's light weight allows it to be transported by helicopter, making it ideal for quick insertion and extraction during operations.

One of the key features of this self-propelled howitzer is its "shoot and scoot" capability, which enables it to fire at targets and then quickly reposition to avoid enemy counter-fire. The system includes advanced technology such as automatic fire control using GPS and an Inertial Navigation System (INS) for accurate targeting. These systems, combined with battlefield communication tools (B2CS and TMMR), allow for seamless integration into command and control networks, ensuring effective communication and coordination during missions.

In terms of firepower, the 105mm gun can fire up to 10 rounds per minute, with a maximum effective range of 14.7 kilometers using standard ammunition, and up to 18 kilometers with rocket-assisted projectiles (RAP). This combination of rapid fire and extended range gives commanders the ability to provide sustained, impactful fire support, making the howitzer highly versatile in both offensive and defensive operations.

Operationally, the system is managed by a reduced crew, improving efficiency. The battery command vehicle, which calculates firing solutions and issues orders, operates with just four personnel, while the artillery vehicle itself is manned by only two people. This streamlined crew size minimizes logistical burdens, allowing for faster deployments and easier integration into smaller, specialized units.

Hyundai WIA's participation in MSPO 2024 reflects South Korea's strategic effort to expand its presence in the European defense market. The introduction of the 105mm self-propelled howitzer is part of a broader showcase of advanced military technologies, including the K9 howitzer and other cutting-edge weapon systems.

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