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Hyundai WIA's 105mm howitzer system offers up to 10 rounds per minute for airborne operations at KADEX 2024.

At the South Korean KADEX 2024 exhibition, Hyundai WIA presented a mobile 105mm light self-propelled howitzer, designed to be mounted on the Korea Light Tactical Vehicle (KLTV). This system is intended to provide fire support for light infantry brigades or airborne operations. It is optimized for rapid mission execution, utilizing shooting data links and alignment automation to enhance operational efficiency.
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Based on the Korea Light Tactical Vehicle (KLTV), the Artillery Vehicle is armed with the KH178 105mm gun, which has a 37-caliber barrel and uses a recoil mechanism with a hydraulic-pneumatic shock absorber. (Picture source: Army Recognition)

This self-propelled howitzer system is capable of relocating after firing, employing the "shoot and scoot" tactic, and can be transported by air using helicopters. It is designed to minimize personnel requirements, with four crew members for battery command and four for artillery operations.

The system consists of three key vehicles: the Fire Command Vehicle, the Artillery Vehicle, and the Ammunition Vehicle. These vehicles work in coordination to provide the necessary support and firepower for the system’s operations.

The Fire Command Vehicle, based on the Korea Light Tactical Vehicle (K152), is responsible for mission assignment, calculation of firing specifications, and issuing firing orders. It operates with a crew of four: a leader, a fire controller, a radio operator, and a driver. Onboard systems include the Battery Tactical Command System (BTCS), the Battalion Command and Control System (TMMR), and other communication tools. This vehicle has seating for eight and is powered by a 225-horsepower engine with an automatic transmission, capable of a 400-kilometer range.

Introduced in 1983, the KH178 is a South Korean 105mm towed howitzer designed for long-range fire support with a maximum range of 18 kilometers. (Picture source: Wikimedia)

The Artillery Vehicle, weighing 7 tons, is crewed by a gun section leader and a gunner. It is armed with the KH178 105mm gun, which has a 37-caliber barrel and uses a recoil mechanism with a hydraulic-pneumatic shock absorber. The vehicle is equipped with onboard BTCS and TMMR systems, as well as GPS and INS for automatic fire control. The artillery system is capable of remote operation, with the vehicle stabilized for launching. The gun can elevate between -5 and 65 degrees and traverse 270 degrees, with a firing rate of up to 10 rounds per minute. The vehicle can achieve a maximum range of 14.7 kilometers with standard ammunition and 18 kilometers with rocket-assisted projectiles (RAP).

The Ammunition Vehicle, also based on the Korea Light Tactical Vehicle, has a crew of two, responsible for loading and carrying 105mm ammunition. This vehicle supports the artillery vehicle during operations, ensuring continuous firing capability. It shares the same mobility features as the artillery vehicle.

Together, these vehicles form the complete system for the 105mm light self-propelled howitzer, designed to support light and airborne units by providing firepower with minimal personnel and enhanced mobility.

The KLTV is equipped with ceramic and polymer matrix composite armor, providing protection against small arms fire, and can be upgraded to meet STANAG 4569 Level 3 protection standards. (Picture source: Kia Motors)

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