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India Develops and Produces Indigenous Suicide Drones.

Kadet Defence Systems, in collaboration with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), has reached a milestone with the successful development of Loitering Aerial Munitions (LAM), the first of their kind in India. Additionally, over 50 of these systems have been ordered by India and are to be delivered by the end of 2024. This initiative is part of a unique Development and Production Partnership (DCPP). This announcement was relayed by the Indian company on May 8, 2024.
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The LAM systems encompass a diverse range of advanced technologies, among them are the CALM and VTOL UAVs.(Picture source: Kadet)

Since the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine to Russia, drones have become a dominant force, and many countries are developing their own UAV systems. This is also the case for India, which, with Kadet, has launched an entirely new range of drones known as LAM.

The LAM systems encompass a diverse range of advanced technologies. Among them are the Canister Aerial Loitering Munition (CALM), combat UAVs offering standoff munition deployment capabilities, and tactical VTOL UAVs. UAVs represent a significant shift in modern warfare, so it is not surprising to see India develop its drones. Moreover, a contract is already in place for the delivery of over 50 systems by the end of 2024, to precisely and efficiently meet the evolving operational requirements of the Indian armed forces.

These suicide drones stand out not only for their technology but also for their adaptability to various terrains and environments, from deserts to plains, and even in high-altitude regions exceeding 5,000 meters, thus ensuring comprehensive defensive coverage across varied landscapes that India possesses. Furthermore, with over 90% of the components manufactured locally, Kadet aims to highlight its commitment to indigenous innovation and autonomy in Indian defense production.

Avdhesh Khaitan, co-founder and CEO of Kadet Defence Systems, emphasized the strategic importance of these indigenous LAMs, stating, "True self-reliance lies in the ability to design and develop cutting-edge defense solutions domestically. The growing demand for LAMs underscores their crucial role not only in strengthening our armed forces but also in strengthening ties with friendly nations."

With plans to increase production and deliver approximately five thousand systems within the next 2 to 3 years, Kadet reaffirms its commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the defense sector. These LAMs offer multifaceted capabilities, acting both as combat UAVs capable of precision strikes and as Kamikaze drones for targeted engagements, reminiscent of cruise missiles.

Founded in 2011 and based in Bengaluru, India, Kadet Defence Systems has emerged as a pioneer in the Indian aerospace industry, specializing in unmanned systems. The company offers a wide range of UAVs for both defense and industrial sectors. As India progresses towards autonomy in defense production, Kadet's efforts will undoubtedly be supported by the country's authorities.

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