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Indonesia and Australia Strengthen Military Ties with New Defense Agreement.

Indonesia and Australia have reinforced their military cooperation by signing a new defense agreement on Thursday, August 29, 2024, marking progress in their bilateral defense relations.
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Australian soldiers, Illustration image. (Picture source: Australian MoD)

The agreement was signed by Indonesia’s president-elect and current Defense Minister, Prabowo Subianto, and Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles at the National Military Academy in Magelang, in Indonesia’s Central Java province. Both parties hailed the agreement as a significant step forward, although the full text has not yet been made public.

Richard Marles described the agreement as "an important piece of international architecture," specifying that it is a treaty-level accord, but not a formal military alliance. One of the key initiatives stemming from the agreement will be the organization of the largest-ever joint military exercise between the two countries, scheduled for November. This exercise will also be Australia's largest overseas military operation of the year.

Australia views its relationship with Indonesia as increasingly crucial amid growing tensions with China in the region. It is also common for new Australian prime ministers to make Jakarta one of their first official destinations abroad.

Prabowo Subianto reaffirmed his commitment, as president, to maintain Indonesia’s long-standing policy of non-alignment, stressing that the agreement aims to foster cooperation rather than military alliances. "We are neighbors with shared interests, and this agreement reflects our commitment to working together to address security threats and promote peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region," Subianto said.

According to the Australian Defense Ministry, the agreement will promote enhanced practical cooperation and improved interoperability between the armed forces of the two nations. Priority areas will include maritime security, counterterrorism, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, logistics, education and training, as well as collaboration in the defense industry.

Marles described the accord as "the most important defense agreement ever signed between Indonesia and Australia," emphasizing its crucial role in the broader context of regional security. Indonesia’s Defense Ministry also welcomed the agreement, stating that it aims to strengthen joint efforts to maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region in the face of potential security threats.

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