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Iraq Unveils New Images of Its Locally Produced VN22 Armored Vehicle.

Iraq has recently showcased its localized version of the VN22 6x6 armored vehicle, marking a significant development in its defense industry. This model, initially revealed by the Chinese company Norinco in 2021, is designed as a modular armored vehicle capable of fulfilling various combat missions. The Iraqi VN22, however, has been adapted to meet the specific requirements of the country's armed forces.
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The original VN22, when equipped with a remote-controlled combat station featuring a 30 mm cannon, has a combat weight of 25 tons and can transport eight soldiers (Picture source: Iraq DIC)

These new images follow a video released by the Iraqi Defence Industries Commission (DIC) on April 1, 2024, in which Iraq announced the local production of this version of the VN22, a 6x6 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). This strategic initiative is part of a broader plan to strengthen Iraq’s defense capabilities and establish a cutting-edge defense industrial base. The primary goal of this effort is to meet the comprehensive needs of Iraq's military and security forces, covering a wide range of weaponry, equipment, and ammunition.

The original VN22, when equipped with a remote-controlled combat station featuring a 30 mm cannon, has a combat weight of 25 tons and can transport eight soldiers. The vehicle is designed to withstand 14.5 mm caliber rounds and is equipped with mine protection.

The Iraqi version of the VN22, however, differs notably in terms of armament. It is fitted with a manned combat station armed with a Norinco-manufactured CS LM5 three-barrel 12.7 mm machine gun. This weapon is capable of firing between 1,000 and 2,000 rounds per minute, depending on the selected firing mode. Additionally, the weapon is produced under license in Iraq, emphasizing the local aspect of this production.

Beyond its primary armament, the vehicle is equipped with ten smoke grenade launchers and an active protection system, the GL6, comparable to Israel's Iron Fist system, providing additional defense against external threats (Picture source: Iraq DIC)

Beyond its primary armament, the vehicle is equipped with ten smoke grenade launchers and an active protection system, the GL6, comparable to Israel's Iron Fist system, providing additional defense against external threats. The VN22 chassis is divided into three main sections: the front houses the driver and engine, the middle section is reserved for the commander and the combat station operator, and the rear section accommodates up to eight motorized infantry soldiers.

The local production of the VN22 is part of the growing cooperation between Iraq and China, which extends beyond the military domain. This relationship has deepened in recent years, particularly in areas such as economic cooperation, infrastructure development, and energy. Since 2019, Chinese companies have actively participated in Iraq’s reconstruction, especially in sectors like oil, agriculture, and housing, with the planned construction of eight million residences across nearly all of Iraq's provinces.

Energy cooperation is a cornerstone of the strategic partnership between China and Iraq. Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, Iraq has become a key partner for China in energy-related matters. In 2022, China imported a substantial amount of crude oil from Iraq, marking an increase in Iraqi oil exports to China, underlining the strategic importance of their bilateral relations.

While China has expanded its presence in global defense industries, particularly in Africa, the VN22 in Iraq represents a new stage in its influence in the Middle East. China's increasing military cooperation is also evidenced by arms sales, the establishment of maintenance centers, and investments in training infrastructure. In Iraq, the local production of the VN22 symbolizes the growing integration of Chinese equipment into the country's armed forces, signaling a shift in defense relations between the two nations.

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