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Israel Defense Forces Establishe New Iron Dome Air Defense Battalion to Bolster Air Defense Capabilities.

According to information published by I24News, an international TV channel, on May 21, 2024, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the formation of a new 'Iron Dome' air defense battalion, aimed at enhancing the nation's air defense capabilities. The 139th Battalion of the Air Defense Formation was officially inaugurated during a ceremony on May 20, 2024, attended by senior military officials including Air Force Commander Major General Tomer Bar and Air Defense Formation Commander Brigadier General Gilad Biran.
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The Iron Dome is an Israeli-made counter-artillery rocket air defense system. (Picture source Wikimedia)

This newly reconstituted battalion, which was decommissioned in 2021, is set to operate the advanced 'Iron Dome' system. The decision to revive the 139th Battalion comes after recent conflicts underscored the necessity for improved command and control across various operational sectors.

"The establishment of this battalion will allow for increased deployment of 'Iron Dome' batteries and an optimized defense envelope," stated Major General Bar. He underscored the vital role that Israel's air defense systems and their skilled operators play in safeguarding the nation, particularly against threats from Hezbollah.

Brigadier General Biran emphasized the strategic importance of this move, describing it as part of a broader effort led by the Air Force to strengthen Israel's defense infrastructure. "The establishment of the battalion is part of a fundamental process of change and strengthening, intended to bolster the defense of Israel's national home," he said. Biran reassured that the air defense personnel are well-prepared to shield the country's skies from any potential threats.

Lieutenant Colonel Tom Ironi, who commands the battalion, highlighted its crucial role during its formation amidst ongoing conflict. "The battalion members absorbed new weapon systems, deployed them at the front of the fighting, intercepted enemy aerial threats, and demonstrated fighting spirit, initiative, and professionalism," he noted, pledging continued dedication to the mission of protecting the people and ensuring victory.

What is Iron Dome?

The 'Iron Dome' is not just an advanced air defense system, but a crucial pillar of Israel's multilayered defense strategy. Designed to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells fired from distances of 4 to 70 kilometers, it is a product of the collaborative efforts of Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and Israel Aerospace Industries. The Iron Dome's ability to identify and intercept a wide array of aerial threats is instrumental in preventing potential damage and casualties in populated areas, thereby ensuring the nation's security.

Since its deployment, the Iron Dome has been highly effective, boasting a success rate of approximately 90% in intercepting incoming projectiles during various conflicts. The system's ability to protect civilian areas from rocket attacks has made it a critical component of Israel's defense apparatus, providing a protective shield that allows the country to maintain a level of security and normalcy amidst ongoing regional tensions.

With the establishment of the new 139th Battalion, the IDF aims to further enhance the Iron Dome's operational readiness and deployment capacity, ensuring that Israel remains well-defended against evolving aerial threats.

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