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Mexico replaces its Humvees with 340 Cobra 4 Light Armored Multipurpose Vehicles from Streit Group.

On September 12, 2024, the Mexican Army acquired 340 new Cobra 4 tactical vehicles, produced by Streit Group, to replace the Humvees that had been in use for several decades. This decision is part of a modernization program aimed at reducing the high operating and maintenance costs associated with vehicles that have been in service for more than 15 years.

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Streit Group Cobra 4 Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle  (Picture source: Streit Group)

In 2023, the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) submitted an investment program to the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) titled "Replacement of Army and Air Force Vehicles with 15 Years or More of Service, Phase Two." This program includes a budget of $655 million to modernize part of the military fleet, with plans to acquire over 1,300 high-mobility 4x4 multi-purpose vehicles, more than 1,000 4x4 pickup trucks, and tractor trucks.

The Cobra 4 LAMV (Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle), chosen to replace the Humvees, was unveiled in February 2023 at the IDEX exhibition in Abu Dhabi. It is equipped with a 3-liter V6 diesel engine, automatic transmission, and can reach a top speed of 140 km/h. The vehicle offers ballistic protection up to Stanag 4569 Level 2 and can transport four passengers in its SUT (Special Utility Task) version or eight in its APC (Armoured Personnel Carrier) version.

The Cobra 4 is designed for a variety of missions, including patrols, law enforcement, and military operations. Its modular design allows for the addition of a 360° rotating turret and additional weaponry. These vehicles will be used for various tasks such as supporting civil authorities, deterrent patrols, armed escorts, and logistical missions.

The acquisition of these vehicles is aimed at replacing those in service for over 15 years, reducing operational costs, and improving territorial coverage across Mexico, especially in national security operations and support for law enforcement forces.

Cobra 4 LAMV

The Cobra 4, manufactured by Streit Group, is a versatile Light Armoured Multi-role Vehicle (LAMV) designed for modern military and law enforcement operations. It is powered by a 3-liter V6 diesel engine that delivers 225 horsepower, with an 80-liter fuel tank enabling extended operational periods. The vehicle is equally effective in urban missions and off-road operations, making it suitable for a wide range of scenarios from peacekeeping to special operations. Despite its relatively compact size, the Cobra 4 provides STANAG 4569 Level 2 ballistic protection, shielding it from 7.62 mm NATO rounds and artillery shell fragments.

The Cobra 4 can be configured for different missions, including troop transport (with space for four passengers in the Support Utility Truck version or eight in the Armoured Personnel Carrier version). It is equipped with a 360-degree rotating turret that can accommodate weapons up to 12.7 mm in caliber or a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. Additionally, its modular design allows for both left-hand and right-hand driving configurations, providing great flexibility for deployment in various operational theaters.

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