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MSPO 2024: A Showcase of Best Military Innovation and Strategic Partnerships in Poland.

The 32nd International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO) has kicked off at Targi Kielce, transforming the venue into a global epicenter of defense and security innovation. Running from September 3 to 6, 2024, this year's MSPO is a record-breaking event, featuring 769 companies from 34 countries, showcasing the latest advancements in military technology and defense systems.
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VIsual of MSPO 2023  (Picture source: MSPO staff )

A Global Exhibition with a Polish Heart

Occupying nearly 35,000 square meters, the MSPO 2024 is a testament to the growing significance of Poland in the global defense industry. While Polish companies have a prominent presence, with over 400 firms exhibiting, the event also boasts strong representations from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Türkiye, and notably, South Korea. The Korean delegation has established a dedicated pavilion, underscoring the deepening defense cooperation between Poland and South Korea.

Ukraine, this year's special guest, presents its latest defense technologies, reflecting the ongoing conflict in the region and the importance of international support. This inclusion highlights the solidarity and strategic partnerships that are crucial in today's global defense landscape.

Showcasing Cutting-Edge Military Technology

MSPO 2024 places a significant emphasis on showcasing cutting-edge military equipment. Among the highlights are the K2 tank from Hyundai Rotem, the 3D Long-Range Radar WARTA developed by Poland's PIT RADWAR, and the highly mobile MSR "KUSZA" anti-aircraft system, which made its debut at last year's event. Additionally, visitors can explore the Piorun missile system, a noted export success from MESKO, and other advanced systems.

Smaller, yet equally vital, equipment is also on display. The Gentex NGFW pilot helmet, now adopted by the US Navy, avionics systems for UAVs from Aerobits, and the latest Rock 3.0 bulletproof vest are just a few examples of the innovative solutions presented. The event also features the premiere of the integrated Sunway Vision glasses system, paired with a combat helmet, showcasing the latest advancements from Sunway Network.

VIsual of MSPO 2023  (Picture source: MSPO staff )

High-Profile Attendance and Strategic Discussions

The importance of MSPO 2024 is underscored by the participation of high-ranking officials from Poland and around the world. Polish President Andrzej Duda, Speaker of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defence Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz are among the notable attendees. Additionally, international delegations from 45 countries, including NATO representatives and defense ministers from Ukraine, South Korea, Moldova, and the United Kingdom, are present, highlighting the event's global significance.

This year's MSPO also marks the 25th anniversary of Poland's membership in NATO. The Armed Forces Exhibition, themed "Poland; 25 years in NATO, safe and secure for 25 years," offers a retrospective on Poland's progress within the alliance, featuring a variety of military exhibits, including a mission town, patrol boat, and snowmobile.

A Platform for Knowledge and Collaboration

Beyond the exhibition floor, MSPO 2024 serves as a vital platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration. The event hosts numerous seminars and conferences, including the National Scientific Conference focusing on the cooperation between defense and civilian enterprises. This discussion, particularly relevant in light of the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe, explores the synergies between Poland's defense sector and civilian research and development units.

Another significant seminar discusses the prospects of cooperation with the US military in Poland, organized by the Ministry of Development and Technology. This session is particularly timely given the increasing presence of American forces in the region, offering insights into practical aspects of collaboration.

MSPO Open Day: A Treat for Military Enthusiasts

As the MSPO 2024 draws to a close, the event opens its doors to the public on September 7 for the MSPO Open Day. Military enthusiasts and the general public are invited to explore the latest in Polish military technology, with 41 combat units on display, including Rosomak Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers and Leopard tanks.

The Open Day also features additional attractions, such as educational trails, parade drill shows, and performances by military bands, making it a family-friendly event that brings the public closer to the nation's defense capabilities.

MSPO 2024 not only solidifies Poland's role as a key player in the global defense industry but also provides a unique opportunity for international collaboration, knowledge sharing, and public engagement. As the event continues to grow, it remains a crucial platform for showcasing the future of military technology and strategic partnerships.

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