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Peru Launches Tender to Strengthen Security Forces with 4x4 MRAPs.

According to an article from a Spanish newspaper dated June 9, 2024, the National Police of Peru is preparing to enhance its arsenal with the acquisition of 56 armored 4x4 vehicles. This initiative, part of the Strategic Plan for Modernization and Capacity Strengthening for the period 2021-2024, aims to improve law enforcement's response to increasing security challenges.

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National Police of Peru is preparing to enhance its arsenal with the acquisition of 56 armored 4x4 MRAPs (Picture source: Army Recognition and KDIA and Streit Group)

The selection process, which had been halted, was recently restarted by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with Supreme Resolution No. 122-2021-IN dated December 15, 2021. The planned investment for these acquisitions amounts to about 199 million soles (approximately $53 million), including the purchase of fire trucks, a necessity since 2014.

The companies that have submitted valid offers include Armor International with the Hunter TR12 vehicle, Streit Group with the Spartan MAV, Daeji Precision Industries with the DAPC-2, Plasan Sasa with the Sandcat, and Gaia Behri with the Thunder vehicle.

The difficulty for suppliers to agree to establish a local assembly line, as required by the evaluation committee, means that the vehicles will be delivered directly to the port of Callao, despite the logistical challenges this may represent.

These new acquisitions should significantly increase the operational capabilities of the Peruvian police, enabling them to better manage emergency situations and maintain public order more effectively and securely.

Hunter 12

The Hunter TR-12 is a versatile 4x4 armored tactical vehicle, initially designed for the military forces but which has also found strong adoption by police and state security agencies. Manufactured by Armor International in Bogota, Colombia, this vehicle stands out for its ability to access difficult-to-reach areas, providing essential support in otherwise inaccessible places.

The Hunter TR-12 can be configured in several versions according to specific needs: troop transport, cargo transport, ambulance, riot control, and special operations. All configurations benefit from MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) type protection to resist mines and ambushes. The vehicle is equipped with 360-degree armor against rifle shots and a V-shaped undercarriage for explosive protection.

Among its features, it includes a rotating turret, nine reaction hatches, a double air conditioning system, a double smoke extractor, and thermal cameras for nighttime operations. Bomb-proof chairs and specific tactical lights further enhance its capabilities. These features, combined with the flexibility of its configurations and robust armor, make the Hunter TR-12 ideal for a wide variety of tactical missions and challenging terrains.

Spartan MAV

The Spartan-MAV is a 4x4 armored vehicle designed and built by the Canadian manufacturer Streit Group. The armored vehicle is intended to support military, police, and law enforcement missions. They will join another 177 Streit vehicles of various types including Warrior, Typhoon, and Spartans acquired in 2017 for the Nigerian Army to equip forces battling violent extremist groups in the region, Military Africa comments.

The Spartan 2-MAV offers excellent protection against both ballistic and blast threats with crew compartment protection of STANAG 2-level armoring in various applications ranging from a battlefield ambulance up to a fully armed direct-fire vehicle. Streit Group offers a wide range of extra added features that can be integrated into the vehicle during the manufacturing phase guaranteeing total compatibility which includes: smoke-grenade launchers, night-vision high-speed cameras, fully integrated intercom systems. Spartan 2 can be deployed for various missions. More than 1,000 vehicles are already tested in the field and proved their resistance and usability.


The armored DAPC-2 vehicles, built on the robust Ford F550 chassis, are eminent examples of versatility and resilience in tactical transport. Compliant with NIJ 0108.01 and STANAG 4569 standards, these vehicles are capable of resisting impacts from 7.62x51 mm caliber bullets. They display a gross vehicle weight (GVW) of 12,000 kg and can accommodate up to 10 passengers. Equipped with all-terrain tires featuring run-flat systems, they offer exceptional maneuverability across various terrains.

In terms of defense, the DAPC-2 are equipped with nine weapon ports and a pivotable turret system, allowing crews to manage different types of armaments. Their design also includes detachable window grilles, adding an additional layer of protection, as well as a multi-tubular CS/CN gas grenade launcher positioned

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