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Ukraine Develops SkyFall Kamikaze Drone for 60 km Strikes.

Ukraine's defense industry is currently developing a new kamikaze drone named SkyFall, designed to destroy armored vehicles and fortifications at ranges between 40 and 60 kilometers. This unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is being developed by StarkDefence, a Ukrainian company specializing in drone design, according to information reported by Militarnyi.
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The SkyFall drone is equipped with a 5-kilogram warhead, manufactured in Ukraine, which can be either explosive or HEAT-Frag (Picture source: Militarnyi)

The SkyFall project is presently in the development and testing phase. Engineers at StarkDefence are focused on assessing the performance of the guidance system under various conditions, as well as on aspects related to the combat unit and safety protocols. According to a StarkDefence representative, the SkyFall system includes a control station and three to five attack drones. A key innovative feature of this drone is its vertical takeoff and landing capability, which eliminates the need for special launching devices such as catapults.

The SkyFall drone is equipped with a 5-kilogram warhead, manufactured in Ukraine, which can be either explosive or HEAT-Frag (anti-tank). The drone's guidance system is capable of targeting moving or stationary objects, day or night. These kamikaze drones are most effective when coordinated with reconnaissance drones for target detection and signal relay.

A key feature of the SkyFall drone is its ability to abort a mission if the target has already been destroyed or has left the area. In such cases, the drone can return to its base, land vertically, and be ready for reuse after recharging its battery. This feature maximizes the drone's effectiveness while reducing unnecessary losses.

Since the onset of the war with Russia, Ukraine has significantly developed its defense industry, particularly in the drone sector. This rapid expansion has been driven by the need to innovate in the face of Russian air superiority and the uncertain timelines of promised arms deliveries from Western allies. As a result, Ukraine has increased its local drone production, growing from just seven specialized companies before 2022 to about 80 today. Companies like StarkDefence and Piranha-Tech play a crucial role in developing kamikaze drones, anti-drone systems, and even hybrid missiles capable of striking deep into Russian territory.

Ukraine is not merely producing drones for its own use; it is also developing innovative systems to maximize battlefield effectiveness. For instance, reconnaissance drones are used in coordination with kamikaze drones to optimize strike precision, while systems like the "Palianytsia," a hybrid missile-drone, demonstrate Ukraine's ability to create indigenous solutions to address challenges posed by restrictions on imported weapons.

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