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Ukraine Focuses on Drone Warfare with Creation of Unmanned Systems Forces.

On June 11, 2024, Ukraine announced the creation of the first autonomous branch of the military dedicated to drone systems, known as the Unmanned Systems Forces. This initiative responds to technological advancements observed in the ongoing conflict with Russia, highlighting Ukraine's commitment to incorporating advanced technologies into its defense strategy.
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Screenshot from the presentation video of the Ukrainian Unmanned Systems Forces also featuring a Kamikaze drone (Picture source: Ukrainian MoD)

During the official presentation, First Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk emphasized the strategic importance of this development. He stated that Ukraine has strong prospects for victory in the war against Russia, achievable through intelligence, perseverance, and measures to protect the lives and health of servicemen by increasingly using robots and unmanned systems in the air, on the ground, and at sea. Havryliuk also explained that this new military branch would enable Ukraine to strike the enemy across the full depth of the battlefield, from the front lines to the Ural Mountains, noting that Ukraine is the only country close to completing such a military branch.

Commander of the Drone Forces, Vadym Sukharevskyi, highlighted that Ukraine is learning from modern warfare and rapidly implementing changes. He mentioned that Ukraine has moved away from a conservative approach and created a precedent, thus being ready to dictate the rules of this war for future successes. The symbol of this new military branch, a swallow designed by a neural network, was unveiled during the presentation. The swallow is a revered symbol in Ukrainian culture, signifying news of victory. The Drone Forces were established on May 7, following the Cabinet of Ministers' approval of the Presidential Decree to create this new military branch.

In addition to the formation of the Drone Forces, Ukraine unveiled a new type of one-way attack drone, commonly known as a suicide drone, in a recent promotional video. This drone, featuring a delta wing design, resembles the Iranian Shahed-series but is developed locally by Ukrainian forces. Currently, detailed information about this new drone remains scarce, but its introduction marks a notable addition to Ukraine's military arsenal.

Commander Sukharevskyi also emphasized the healthy competition among drone manufacturers in Ukraine and suggested the possibility of future standardization of drones. He pointed out that the number of manufacturers signifies healthy competition, allowing the military to have more products to choose from and better understand and apply the best options. According to the Ministry of Defense, contracts have been signed, and products are being procured from over 125 manufacturers, ensuring that the Ukrainian military can select the most effective tools for their operational needs.

This initiative underscores Ukraine's commitment to enhancing its military capabilities through the use of drones and unmanned systems, reflecting a strategic shift towards technology-driven modern warfare.

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