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Ukraine to Commission 10 Bohdana 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers This Month.

| Defense News Army 2024

On April 18, 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that the Ukrainian defense industry plans to commission 10 2S22 Bohdana 155mm self-propelled artillery systems for the first time this month. He also added that further deliveries will follow in May. This announcement comes after Ukraine has increased its production capabilities, previously stating it could produce eight vehicles per month.
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The 2S22 Bohdana is a Ukrainian-produced, self-propelled 155mm Howitzer (Picture source: Ukrainian MoD)

The Bohdana howitzer is a self-propelled artillery system developed and manufactured by Ukraine. Mounted on a six-wheeled truck chassis, it offers enhanced mobility across various terrains. The system is designed to fire 155 mm NATO-standard shells and can achieve a firing rate of up to five rounds per minute. It plays a crucial role in Ukraine's artillery capabilities, providing significant firepower and flexibility in combat situations.

Ukraine utilizes the Bohdana howitzer to strengthen its artillery forces against hostile targets, offering a strategic advantage in long-range engagements. The introduction of this howitzer is part of Ukraine's broader initiative to reduce dependency on foreign military equipment and strengthen its domestic defense industry. This artillery system has been particularly vital amidst the ongoing military conflict in the region, enabling Ukrainian forces to conduct more effective and responsive artillery operations.

President Zelenskyy highlighted the growth in local production and the state's role in facilitating this expansion through serious, long-term contracts with Ukrainian enterprises. These agreements aim to provide predictability, create jobs, and attract investments to the defense sector. He emphasized that the production of Bohdana howitzers is expected to increase, with more units planned for production in May and subsequent months.

In a testament to the increasing capabilities of Ukraine's defense industry, Zelenskyy also noted last December that Ukraine had tripled its domestic production of equipment and weapons in 2023 compared to the previous year. This increase in production capacity reflects Ukraine's strategic pivot towards enhancing its self-reliance in defense technologies and equipment.

This event underscores a significant improvement in domestic arms production, a strategic move amidst growing uncertainty regarding U.S. military aid as new budgetary aid is expected to be voted on in the coming hours.

Defense News April 2024

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