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Ukrainian Forces Use 203mm US Ammunition with Russian 2S7 Self-Propelled Howitzer.

Recent images shared on social media by the Ukrainian government show Ukrainian forces using Russian equipment with American ammunition. This somewhat unusual combination is indeed possible, and we will explain why. This combination was highlighted by the using of a Ukrainian 2S7 Pion self-propelled gun with 203mm M106 ammunition of US origin.
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 The Ukrainian 2S7 Pion Self-Propelled Howitzer with US M106 203mm ammunition. (Picture source: Ukrainian MoD)

First, what is a 2S7 Pion and the American M106 ammunition seen in the images? We will also explore why the Americans produce ammunition of the same caliber as the Russians.

The 2S7 Pion is a heavy self-propelled gun of 203mm, designed by Russia and used by several countries, including Ukraine. This imposing artillery system is equipped with a 2A44 203mm cannon, capable of firing long-range shells with great precision. The Pion is operated by a crew of seven and protects small arms fire and shell fragments. It is also equipped with an NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) overpressure system, an auxiliary power unit, and night vision equipment. Weighing 46,500 kg, with a road speed of 50 km/h and an operational range of 650 km, its impressive dimensions (13.12 m long, 3.38 m wide, and 3.0 m high) make it a key piece of heavy artillery.

The American 203mm M106 ammunition is a high-explosive fragmentation (HE-Frag) shell designed for use against personnel and material, generating destructive blasts and fragments upon impact. This spin-stabilized projectile is constructed from a hollow steel forging with a boat-tailed base, a streamlined ogive, and a rotating metal band. A welded base cover provides additional protection against hot gases from the propelling charge during firing. Equipped with a three-eyebolt lifting plug for easy handling and closure of the fuze cavity, this ammunition can be loaded with either TNT or Composition B. Projectiles with a deep fuze cavity contain a supplementary charge to maximize destructive effect.

The United States began producing 203mm ammunition specifically for artillery systems like the M110 howitzer, a self-propelled gun used by the US Army since the 1960s. The M110, equipped with a 203mm cannon, was designed to provide heavy and mobile artillery support. It has been widely used in various conflicts for its ability to deliver precise and powerful long-range strikes. The production of 203mm ammunition like the M106 ensures these systems remain operational, whether for missions involving the destruction of fortifications, concentrations of enemy troops, or other strategic targets.

Although specific information on the annual production of 203mm ammunition is limited, it is clear that the production capacity for artillery munitions is closely monitored and adjusted based on military needs and international commitments. These US shells did not come out of nowhere; in 2023, the Pentagon announced the provision of 203mm M106 shells to Ukraine to support its operations.

Thus, the use of American ammunition in Russian equipment by Ukrainian forces is not surprising. Beyond compatibility, the integration of modern and high-precision munitions into existing artillery systems enhances Ukraine's ability to carry out effective and targeted strikes against Russian positions.

Typically, Russian and US equipment are not compatible in terms of caliber, and munitions are not interchangeable, making it rather surprising to see such an achievement on the battlefield, even though it remains clearly within the realm of possibility as we have explained.

Ukrainian soldiers reloading the Russian-origin 2S7 Pion with US 203mm M106 ammunition. (Picture source: Ukrainian MoD)

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