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US Army Begins Operational Testing of New M10 Booker Fire Support Combat Vehicle at Ft. Liberty.

The U.S. Army will begin rigorous operational testing of the new M10 Booker fire support tracked combat vehicle over the next three months at Ft. Liberty, formerly Ft. Bragg. This significant phase in the vehicle's development marks a critical step toward integrating into the US Army's combat vehicle fleet.
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A live fire demonstration of the U.S. Army’s newest fire support tracked combat vehicle, the M10 Booker. (Picture source: U.S. DoD)

According to information published on the X account of defense analyst Ronkainen, the U.S. Army has already received a total of eight M10 Booker vehicles. This initial delivery comprises four production vehicles and four production retrofit vehicles, which have been modified from their original XM10 configurations.

The M10 Booker, named to honor the legacy of two Medal of Honor recipients—First Lieutenant James Booker and Specialist Jerry Booker—represents the next generation of fire support for U.S. ground forces. Designed to deliver precise and powerful support in various combat scenarios, the M10 Booker is poised to enhance the Army's operational capabilities significantly.

The contract for the production of the M10 Booker was awarded to General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) in 2021, following a competitive bidding process. The contract, valued at approximately $1.5 billion, includes the delivery of an initial batch of 144 vehicles, with options for additional units in the future based on performance and operational needs. The signing of this contract marked a significant milestone in the U.S. Army's modernization efforts, aiming to replace aging platforms with more advanced and versatile combat vehicles.

The acquisition of the M10 Booker is part of the U.S. Army's broader strategy to enhance its mechanized fire support capabilities. The vehicle is equipped with a state-of-the-art 105mm cannon, capable of firing a variety of ammunition types, including high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and kinetic energy (KE) rounds, providing versatile engagement options against both armored and soft targets. To complement its primary weapon, the vehicle also features a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun and a roof-mounted remotely operated weapon station (ROWS) with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun for added defensive capabilities.

In terms of protection, the M10 Booker boasts advanced modular armor, which can be customized based on mission requirements. This includes composite and reactive armor packages designed to withstand a wide range of battlefield threats, from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to direct hits from enemy fire. The goal of the M10 Booker is to provide U.S. ground forces with a highly mobile and survivable fire support platform capable of operating in diverse combat environments, thereby enhancing the overall effectiveness and resilience of Army operations.

The goal of the U.S. Army's acquisition of the M10 Booker is to provide ground forces with a highly mobile and survivable fire support platform capable of operating in diverse combat environments. This aims to enhance the overall effectiveness and resilience of Army operations by delivering precise and powerful support in various combat scenarios, thereby significantly improving the Army's mechanized fire support capabilities.

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