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US Forces Deploy C-RAM Centurion Phalanx Counter-Artillery Rocket System to Protect Gaza Floating Pier.

According to recent images released on the social network X, on May 20, 2024, the U.S. armed forces deployed the C-RAM (Counter-Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar) system to safeguard the newly established Gaza floating pier. This floating dock facility, created by the U.S. military, serves as a critical point for delivering maritime cargo intended for humanitarian assistance to Gaza.
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A U.S. Centurion C-RAM anti-aircraft artillery system is deployed near a US-built floating pier in the Gaza Strip. (Picture source X Account SprinterFactory)

The Gaza floating pier was meticulously constructed by U.S. military forces on ships positioned offshore the Gaza Strip. Subsequently, it was connected to the shore by a causeway, facilitating efficient and secure delivery of essential goods. The pier's unloading point links to the Netzarim Corridor, an area designated for humanitarian operations.

The deployment of the C-RAM system is a significant step in ensuring the safety and security of the vital humanitarian operation at the Gaza floating pier. This system, designed to detect and destroy incoming artillery, rockets, and mortar rounds in the air before they can cause damage, provides a protective shield against potential threats. Its presence enhances the overall security of the floating pier and the humanitarian mission it supports, underscoring the U.S. military's commitment to safeguarding humanitarian operations.

The ground-based version of the C-RAM Phalanx system is a testament to advanced military technology. Equipped with advanced radar and sensor systems, it can detect incoming threats from artillery, rockets, and mortar rounds. Once a threat is detected, its rapid-response Gatling gun, armed with a 20mm cannon, engages and neutralizes it in mid-air. This high rate of fire, combined with precise targeting, ensures the system can effectively intercept and destroy multiple incoming projectiles simultaneously, safeguarding the Gaza floating pier.

One of the key features of the C-RAM Phalanx is its autonomous operation. The system can operate with minimal human intervention, using its advanced tracking algorithms to detect, track, and engage threats automatically. This capability is crucial in high-stress combat environments where reaction time is critical. The C-RAM system's ability to swiftly respond to evolving threats, combined with its mobility and rapid deployment capabilities, ensures the safety of the Gaza floating pier in volatile situations.

The C-RAM system's effective range is approximately 1.2 km, allowing it to engage incoming threats at a considerable distance before they reach their target. The system can also intercept projectiles at altitudes up to 1,000 m, providing a broad protective umbrella over its defending area.

The U.S. military's decision to deploy the C-RAM system underscores the importance of the Gaza floating pier in the ongoing efforts to provide aid to Gaza residents. The region has seen heightened tensions and conflicts, making protecting humanitarian infrastructure crucial. The C-RAM system's advanced technology will help safeguard the pier from potential attacks, ensuring that the delivery of humanitarian assistance, a mission of utmost importance, can proceed without interruption.

This deployment reflects the U.S. military's commitment to supporting humanitarian efforts while ensuring the safety of their operations in volatile regions. The C-RAM system's presence will help mitigate risks and protect the infrastructure and personnel involved in the vital mission of delivering aid to those in need.

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