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La Russie et le Maroc signeront des accords de coopération technique et militaire 0103114

| 2011
La Russie et le Maroc signeront des accords de coopération technique et militaire ...

Russia and Morocco will sign two agreements of technical and military collaboration 0103113

| 2011
Russia and Morocco will sign two agreements of technical and military collaboration ...

United States and other foreign governments discussed military options for dealing with Libya

| 2011
------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- United ...

Les Etats Unis pourraient envisager une option militaire contre le régime de Kadhafi 0103112

| 2011
Les Etats Unis pourraient envisager une option militaire contre le régime de Kadhafi &...

United States and foreign governments discussed military options for dealing with Libya 0103111

| 2011
United States and other foreign governments discussed military options for dealing with Libya ...

Thales Australie livre premiers prototypes du véhicule protégé Hawkei à l'armée australienne 2802117

| 2011
Thales Australie livre les premiers prototypes du véhicule protégé Hawkei à l'armé...

Les forces terrestres russes vont commencer à recevoir des nouveaux équipements en 2011 2802116

| 2011
Les forces terrestres russes vont commencer à recevoir des nouveaux équipements en 2011. ...

Iran a démarré un projet pour la conception et fabrication d'un nouvel avion de combat 2802115

| 2011
L'Iran a démarré un projet pour la conception et fabrication d'un nouvel avion de combat ...

Hawkei armoured vehicle prototypes delivered to Australia’s Department Defence for testing 2802114

| 2011
Hawkei armoured vehicle prototypes delivered to Australia’s Department of Defence for testing ...

Russian army land forces will start receiving a number of advanced weapons in 2011 2802113

| 2011
Russian army land forces will start receiving a number of advanced weapons in 2011 ...

Iran has started a new project to design and build a very advanced fighter aircraft 2802111

| 2011
Iran has started a new project to design and build a very advanced fighter aircraft ...

Russia is holding talks with France on the purchase of Felin advanced future soldier equipment

| 2011
------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Russia ...

La Russie négocie avec la France l'achat d'un lot d'équipements du soldat du futur FELIN 2702114

| 2011
La Russie négocie avec la France l'achat d'un lot d'équipements du soldat du futur FELIN ...

Russia is holding talks with France on the purchase Felin advanced future soldier equipment 2702113

| 2011
Russia is holding talks with France on the purchase of Felin advanced "future soldier" equipment ...

La Corée du Nord menace d’une guerre totale en riposte aux manœuvres américaines 2702112

| 2011
La Corée du Nord menace d’une guerre totale en riposte aux manœuvres américaines ...

North Korea threatens of an all-out war in response against the American military exercises

| 2011
------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- North ...

North Korea threatens of an all-out war in response against the American military exercises 2702111

| 2011
The North Korea threatens of an all-out war in response against the American military exercises ...

United Arab Emirates new requirement for 600 wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier IDEX 2011

| 2011
United Arab Emirates new requirement for 600 wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier ...

Chinese Defence Company Norinco presents for the first time the SH1 artillery system at IDEX 2011

| 2011
The Chinese Defence Company Norinco presents for the first time the SH1 artillery sy...

At IDEX 2011 Tsniitochmash presents its new modernized 9mm SR.3M small-sized assault rifle

| 2011
At IDEX 2011 Tsniitochmash presents its new modernized 9mm SR.3M small-sized assault rifle. ...
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