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Dassault Aviation société israélienne IAI négocient pour fournir des drones 'armée française 2207112

| 2011
Dassault Aviation et la société israélienne IAI négocient pour fournir des drones &agra...

Dassault Aviation in cooperation with Israeli Company IAI will provide drone for French Army 2207111

| 2011
Dassault Aviation in cooperation with Israeli Company IAI will provide new drone for French Army ...

General Dynamics European land Systems, MTB Bridge, Piranha 3 and Eagle armoured at DSEI 2011

| 2011
General Dynamics European land Systems, MTB Bridge, Piranha 3 and Eagle armoured at DSEI 2011 ...

NATO continues to engage key military targets in Tripoli and pro-Qaddafi forces in Libya

| 2011
------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- NATO ...

NATO continues to engage key military targets in Tripoli and pro-Qaddafi forces in Libya 2007113

| 2011
NATO continues to engage key military targets in Tripoli and pro-Qaddafi forces across the country ...

La Russie et le Royaume Uni planifient d’étendre leur collaboration militaire bilatérale 2007112

| 2011
La Russie et le Royaume Uni planifient d’étendre leur collaboration militaire bilatérale ...

armée russe sera équipée dans le futur avec des répliques gonflables de systèmes antiaériens 1907114

| 2011
L’armée russe sera équipée dans le futur avec des répliques gonflables de syst&eg...

Russia and United Kingdom are planning to expand their bilateral military cooperation

| 2011
------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Russia ...

Russia and United Kingdom are planning to expand their bilateral military cooperation 2007111

| 2011
Russia and United Kingdom are planning to expand their bilateral military cooperation &n...

Russian army will be equipped in the future with inflatable fake air defence systems 19907113

| 2011
Russian army will be equipped in the future with inflatable fake air defence systems   ...

US Ambassador hands over armoured vehicles, military equipment to Hungarian army 1907112

| 2011
US Ambassador hands over armoured vehicles, military equipment to Hungarian army ...

Navistar Defense to Produce Second Round of MRAP MaxxPro Recovery Vehicle 1907111

| 2011
Navistar Defense to Produce Second Round of MRAP MaxxPro Recovery Vehicle   ...

U.S. Army soldiers will be soon equipped with a new lighter machine gun version of M249 SAW

| 2011
U.S. Army soldiers will be soon equipped with a new lighter machine gun version of M249 SAW ...

British Army Royal Marines help clear Helmand route in Afghanistan of Improvised Explosive Devices

| 2011
British Army Royal Marines help clear Helmand route in Afghanistan of Improvised Explosive Devices ...

Static vehicle Land systems park makes its debut at defence Exhibion in London DSEi 2011

| 2011
Static vehicle Land systems park makes its debut at defence Exhibion in London DSEi 2011 ...

Azerbaijan to attend 19th International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO 2011 in Poland News

| 2011
Azerbaijan to attend 19th International Defense Industry Exhibition MSPO 2011 in Poland ...

MSPO 2011 Show Daily news actualités International Defence Industry Exhibition pictures video

| 2011
a     MSPO 2011 , Kielce, Poland 19th Internatio...

Libyan rebels are fighting Muammar Gaddafi forces in Brega 1807111

| 2011
Libyan rebels are fighting Muammar Gaddafi forces in Brega   ...

Azerbaijan and Turkey start the production of field-kitchens for the army 1707112

| 2011
Azerbaijan and Turkey start the production of field-kitchens for the army   ...

New armor for U.S. Army Caiman armoured vehicle in Iraq against Iranian made bombs rockets 1707111

| 2011
New armor for U.S. Army Caiman armoured vehicle in Iraq against Iranian made bombs and rockets ...
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