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Maiden test launch of an indian nuclear-capable missile Agni-II Plus ended in failure Indian army

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The maiden test launch of an indian nuclear-capable missile Agni-II Plus ended in failure &nbs...

The defense of North Korea could be based on its nuclear force North Korean army armed forces

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La Corée du Nord pourrait s'appuyer sur sa force nucléaire pour se défendre

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La Corée du Nord pourrait s'appuyer sur sa force nucléaire pour se défendre ...

The defense of North Korea could be based on its nuclear force North Korean army

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The defense of North Korea could be based on its nuclear force   ...

Des instructeurs de l'armée française vont tirer les premiers missiles Javelin ce 16 décembre 2010

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Des instructeurs de l'armée française vont tirer les premiers missiles Javelin ce 16 décembre...

Inde Nouveaux besoins pour le Char de Combat du Futur FMBT de l'armée indienne

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Nouveaux besoins pour le Char de Combat du Futur (FMBT) de l'armée indienne   ...

Iran forces armées iraniennes toujours prêtes à répondre aux attaques de leurs ennemis

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Les forces armées iraniennes toujours prêtes à répondre aux attaques de leurs ennemis ...

French Army instructors will launch their first U.S. Javelin anti-tank missile for practice France

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French Army instructors will launch their first U.S. Javelin anti-tank missile for practice &n...

New requirements for Indian Army's Future Main Battle Tank FMBT India military

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New requirements for Indian Army's Future Main Battle Tank (FMBT)   ...

Iran Iranian armed forces always prepared to respond to military attacks army UK

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Iran Iranian armed forces always prepared to respond to military attacks army

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Iran Iranian armed forces always prepared to respond to military attacks   ...

New North-Korean artillery firing and new joint military exercises United States South Korea

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Nouveau tirs d'artilleries nord-coréens et nouvelle manoeuvres militaires Etats Unis Corée du Sud

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Nouveau tirs d'artilleries nord-coréens, et nouvelle manoeuvres militaires Etats Unis - Corée du Sud...

New North-Korean artillery firing and new joint military exercises United States South Korea

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New North-Korean artillery firing, and new joint military exercises United States - South Korea ...

La société turque Otokar reçoit une première commande pour son ARMA nouveau blindé 6x6

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La société turque Otokar reçoit une première commande pour son nouveau blindé 6...

Turkish Company Otokar received the first contract for its new ARMA 6x6 armoured vehicle

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------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Turkish ...

Turkish Company Otokar received the first contract for its new ARMA 6x6 tactical armoured vehicle

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Turkish Company Otokar received the first contract for its new 6x6 tactical armoured vehicle ARMA ...

Russia will deliver to Kazakhstan air defence ground-to-air missile systems S-300

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------------------------- FLASH NEWS ------------------------- Russia ...

La Russie livrera au Kazakhstan des systèmes missiles sol-air défense antiaérienne S-300 antiaérien

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La Russie livrera au Kazakhstan des systèmes missiles de défense antiaérienne...

Russia will deliver to Kazakhstan air defence ground-to-air missile systems S-300.

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Russia will deliver to Kazakhstan air defence ground-to-air missile systems S-300   ...
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