Russian army Ground Air Defense Force to become part of united aerospace defense system 261210-1
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army Ground Air Defense Force to become part of united aerospace defense
First Afghan Vice-President stresses the need of defense cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan
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First Afghan Vice-President stresses need of defense cooperation between Iran Afghanistan 251210-7
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Afghan Vice-President stresses the need of defense cooperation between
Iran and Afghanistan
Le Qatar veut intensifier la collaboration mutuelle de défense et militaire avec l'Iran 251210-6
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Qatar veut intensifier la collaboration mutuelle de défense et
militaire avec l'Iran
Qatar wants to boost mutual cooperation with Iran in defense military fields
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Qatar wants to boost mutual cooperation with Iran in defense military fields 251210-4
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wants to boost mutual cooperation with Iran in defense fields
Premier contract signé pour le véhicule protégé MPV VTTM Iveco Defence Vehicles 251210-2
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contrat signé pour le véhicule protégé MPV/VTTM
Iveco avec l'armée italie...
MBT122B Evolution suédois est comme le char de combat le mieux protégé au monde 251210-1
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Evolution suédois considéré comme le char de combat
le mieux prot&eacut...
Russia picks French Mistral class for its navy
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picks French Mistral class for its navy
La Russie choisi le Mistral pour équiper sa marine
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Russie choisi le Mistral pour équiper sa marine
First contract with Italian Army Ambulance version of MPV VTTM Iveco protected vehicle 23122010-6
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contract signed with Italian Army for Ambulance version of MPV/VTTM Iveco
protected vehicle
Swedish MBT122B Evolution is recognized as one of best protected main battle tanks in the world
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Swedish MBT122B Evolution one of best protected main battle tanks in the world 23122010-5
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MBT122B Evolution is recognized as one of best protected main battle tanks
in the world
Paramount Group International Armoured Vehicles 2011 IAV news daily London United Kingdom 23102010
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Group will present the last technology of armored vehicle, the Mbombe.
South Korea begins a series of live fire military exercises on an unprecedented scale
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La Corée du Sud débute une série exercices militaires tirs réels grande envergure 23122010-2
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Corée du Sud débute une série d'exercices militaires
à tirs réels de grande e...
South Korea begins a series of live-fire military exercises on an unprecedented scale 23122010-1
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Korea begins a series of live-fire military exercises on an unprecedented
L'armée israélienne inaugure un nouvel escadron opérationnel d'UAV Eitan 22122010
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israélienne inaugure un nouvel escadron opérationnel d'UAV
Israeli army new Eitan UAV unmanned aerial vehicle squadron operational use 22122010
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army opens new "Eitan" UAV unmanned aerial vehicle squadron
to operational use