The First NBC Nuclear Biological and Chemical Battalion in the IDF Israeli army Defence Forces
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First NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Battalion in the IDF Israeli
army Defence Forces
Le Japon change sa politique de défense en réponse au changement des forces militaires en Asie
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Japon modifie sa politique de défense en réponse au changement
des forces militaires en Asie
Japan is changing its defence military policy in response to the shifting balance of power in Asia
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FLASH NEWS -------------------------
Japan is changing its defence policy in response to the shifting balance of power in Asia
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is changing its defence policy in response to the shifting balance of
Thales Cassidian ont mis en service INTRACED Intranet classifié pour l'armée française
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- Cassidian ont mis en service INTRACED l'Intranet classifié pour
l'armée française
Thales - Cassidian have successfully commissioned INTRACED classified Intranet for French Army
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- Cassidian have successfully commissioned INTRACED classified Intranet
for French Army
International drones UAV Conference in Russia Moscow Russian defence industry
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FLASH NEWS -------------------------
International drones UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle Conference Russia Moscow Russian defence industry
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International drones UAV Conference in Russia, Moscow.
La Russie accueille une conférence internationale sur les drones à Moscou
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La Russie accueille une conférence internationale sur les drones à Moscou
Les perspective...
Le ministère de la défense égyptien retient le camion Kerax 6x4 Renault Trucks Defense
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ministère de la défense égyptien retient le camion
Kerax 6x4 Renault Trucks Defense
The Egyptian Ministry of Defense selected the truck Kerax 6x4 Renault Trucks Defense
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Egyptian Ministry of Defense selected the truck Kerax 6x4 Renault Trucks
Patria Hägglunds va livrer des mortiers automoteurs à roues AMOS à l'armée finlandaise
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Hägglunds va livrer des mortiers automoteurs à roues AMOS
à l'armée finlandaise
Patria Hägglunds to deliver AMOS mortar vehicles to the Finnish Army
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Hägglunds to deliver AMOS mortar vehicles to the Finnish Army
Ukraine and China have boosted the size of their country pavilions by 53% and 77% for IDEX 2011
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and China have boosted the size of their country pavilions by 53% and
77% respectively
L'armée russe va dépenser 10$ milliards en 2012 pour des systèmes digitaux de communications
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russe va dépenser 10$ milliards en 2012 pour des systèmes
digitaux de communications ...
Russian armed forces will spend $10 billion on new digital communications by 2012
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armed forces will spend $10 billion on new digital communications by 2012
L'Ukraine va développe un nouveau concept de sécurité nationale et de doctrine militaire
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va développer un nouveau concept de sécurité nationale
et de doctrine militaire.
Ukraine will develop a new national security concept and military doctrine in the future
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will develop a new national security concept and military doctrine in
the future.
Les prévisions indiquent 45$ milliards d'exportations d'armement pour la Russie
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prévisions indiquent 45$ milliards d'exportations d'armement pour
la Russie
Forecasts indicate that Russia has sold $10 billion worth of arms and military equipment this year
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indicate that Russia has sold $10 billion worth of arms and military equipment
this year