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DCNS signs four-year Horizon destroyer support contract.

| 2012
Naval Industry News - France
DCNS signs four-year Horizon destroyer support contract

DCNS has signed a four-year contract with the French Navy's Fleet Support Service (SSF) to provide through-life support for Horizon-class destroyers Forbin and Chevalier Paul*.

The work will be carried out at DCNS's Toulon shipyard. DCNS and its programme partners will complete two major refits on each of the two vessels and conduct three intermediate layups for routine maintenance. The major refits represent several months of work, and the intermediate layups several weeks.

DCNS will act as overall prime contractor for the maintenance of all shipboard systems except the PAAMS weapon system**, working with 10 major equipment manufacturers, half of them Italian companies.

DCNS has signed a four-year contract with the French Navy's Fleet Support Service (SSF) to provide through-life support for Horizon-class destroyers Forbin and Chevalier Paul.
Marine Nationale Chevalier Paul (D621) and Forbin (D620) AAW Destroyers
moored at Toulon Naval Base
(Picture: DCNS)
"DCNS is delighted that the French Navy and especially Fleet Support Service have put their trust in us for this major programme," says Thierry Kalanquin, SVP Services at DCNS. "We'll be taking a long-term approach with the right industrial organisation to anticipate the customer's requirements and optimise maintenance planning. Sharing tasks with industry partners and experts will deliver even higher levels of service at lower cost."

Horizon-class destroyers Forbin and Chevalier Paul were delivered to the French Naby in December 2008 and December 2009 respectively. Until now, maintenance has been performed on a less structured basis, depending on the requirements of each vessel and its crew.

*The Horizon-class destroyers were built under the Horizon programme to meet a joint requirement for four anti-air warfare destroyers with a displacement of approximately 7,000 tonnes (two for the French Navy and two for the Italian Navy). The programme was a multinational collaboration between France and Italy. The primary weapon system was developed and produced in partnership with the UK.

**PAAMS: Principal Anti-Air Missile System (comprises 48 Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles and 6 Sylver vertical launchers).
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