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Indonesian Shipyard PT PAL cuts first steel of new 60m Fast Missile Craft KCR-60M.

| 2012
Naval Industry News - USA
Indonesian Shipyard PT PAL cuts first steel of new 60m Fast Missile Craft KCR-60M
On May 24th, Indonesian Shipyard PT PAL held the first steel cut ceremony for the head of a new class of Fast Missile Craft for the Indonesian Navy called KCR-60M (Kapal Cepat Rudal 60 Meter). Three ships of the class have been ordered.

According the shipyard, the vessel has the following specifications:

60 Meter Fast Missile Craft KCR-60M)
- Length Overall (LOA): 59.80 M
- Length waterline (LWL): 54.82 M
- Width: 8:10 M
- Height: 4.85 M
- Draft at full charge: 2.60 M
- Displacement: 460 Ton
On May 24th, Indonesian Shipyard PT PAL held the first steel cut ceremony for the head of a new class of Fast Missile Craft for the Indonesian Navy called KCR-60M (Kapal Cepat Rudal 60 Meter). Three ships of the class have been ordered.
Artist impression of KCR-60M Fast Missile Craft

(Picture: PT PAL)
Speed at Beaufort Scale Sea State 2 and 1:
- Maximum speed 28 knots
- Cruising Speed 20 knots
- Economical Speed 15 knots

Armament systems
1 X 57 mm cannon Home
2 X 20 mm guns
2 X 2 surface anti-ship missile launchers (SSM)
2 X Decoy Launcher

Have the resilience to navigate in all weather up to Sea State 6

Endurance at sea: 9 days
Cruising range: 2,400 nm at a speed of 20 knots
Accommodation: 43 people

KCR 60m is designed by considering the eligibility criteria of the sea as follows:
Patrol duties until the sea state 3
Operation of the weapon up to sea state 4
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