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NATO conducting several large scale military exercises as tensions with Iran and Syria on the rise.

| 2012
Naval Forces News - NATO, USA, UK, France...
NATO conducting several large scale military exercises as tensions with Iran and Syria on the rise

While tensions with Iran and Syria are rising on the international scene, NATO members are conducting (or will soon conduct) several large scale "joint" military maneuvers. These maneuvers have two roles: Send a strong message to the regimes and keep NATO armies, navies and air forces ready to work together should they intervene.

In February alone, no less than five such multi-nation exercises are planned, each being focused in a field that could well prove decisive or fundamental should a conflict erupt:

Bold Alligator 2012:
Exercise Bold Alligator 2012, the largest naval amphibious exercise in the past 10 years, represents the Navy and Marine Corps' revitalization of the full range of amphibious operations. The exercise focuses on today's fight with today's forces, while showcasing the advantages of seabasing. Bold Alligator allows our institutions to learn about amphibious capabilities, so that the broader force can make the most of this unique naval capability. This exercise will take place 30 Jan - 12 Feb, 2012, afloat and ashore in and around Virginia and North Carolina.
The two primary participants for this exercise are Expeditionary Strike Group 2 (ESG 2) and 2d Marine Expeditionary Brigade (2d MEB). In addition, the Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group (ARG), 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), Naval Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC), the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group (CSG) as well as various other ships and units will have significant roles in BA12. Allied nations participating include Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Bold Alligator represents training that fully realizes the flexibility of mobile seabasing, providing the force greater agility to shift the focus of effort or respond to crises.

ZORAN 12 Inter-Allied exercise
While the French Ministry of Defence didn't disclose which Allies were to participate in this exercise it reported the following French units would participate: 1 air defense Destroyer (AAW), several Air Force and Navy Jets (Rafale, Mirage F1, Mirage 2000D, Mirage 2000N) and several Maritime Patrol Aircrafts and AWACS.
French MoD disclosed the scenario of this exercise as well:
The island of Levant is a totalitarian country that attempts to develop weapons of mass destruction. About to achieve his goal, the country is preparing to attack its neighbor (Corsica). Another country (France) mandated by the UN sends fighter bombers to destroy the potential of mass destruction.

While tensions with Iran and Syria are rising on the international scene, NATO members are conducting (or will soon conduct) several large scale "joint" military maneuvers. These maneuvers have two roles: Send a strong message to the regimes and keep NATO armies, navies and air forces ready to work together should they intervene.
French Navy Mistral LHD (background) with a US Navy LCAC (foreground) escorted by a French Army Helicopter. Joint amphiibious operations between allied forces is one of the focus of Exercise Bold Alligator 2012
(picture: French Navy)

Exercise Gallic Marauder
The Exercise is designed to practice close air support operations and forward air control techniques. This training is essential for ground forces and allows them to practice various techniques and procedures before possible deployment to an operational theatre. Aircraft types involved in Exercise Gallic Marauder include Rafale, Mirage and Super Etendard jet aircraft of the French Navy and the French Air Force as well as Hawks from the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force and Lynx AH1 from Army Air Corps.
During the campaign in Lybia several reports indicated the presence on the ground of British and French FAC (Forward Air Controllers) and JTAC (Joint terminal attack controllers). Without this key element, coallition airplanes would have had more difficulties to identify targets and strike them with accuracy.

Exercise PROUD MANTA 12
From Feb. 14-26, 2012, 11 NATO nations will provide five submarines, 15 aircraft (including shore and ship based helos) and 12 surface ships (including two auxiliary ships from Italy and one NATO research vessel) to take part in Proud Manta 12, NATO’s largest anti-submarine warfare exercise. The exercise will take place in the Ionian Sea to the southeast of Sicily. Forces are provided by Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
The exercise goal is to demonstrate NATO’s determination to maintain proficiency and improve interoperability in coordinated anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare, coastal surveillance and other maritime operations using a multinational force of ships, submarines and aircraft. Furthermore it will aim to provide operational training in potential NRF tasks/roles and missions as well as exercising the procedures for current or future operations.

Exercise Cobra Gold 2012
One of the world’s largest multinational military exercises takes place in Thailand for this year's edition.
An estimated 11,220 people, including 7,200 U.S. servicemembers, will participate in the 30th annual Cobra Gold exercise until Feb. 18. Servicemembers from Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia will join hosts Thailand and the United States.

While most of these exercises were long planned (some of them being yearly events), current global tensions cast light on them showing NATO and its allies take threats seriously and are currently training hard in order to be ready for whatever happens in the future.
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