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RAF Boats VITESSE Mark II the right answer to Indonesian Navy's need for 6 Fast Interceptor Boats.

| 2012
Indo Marine 2012 - Show Daily News
RAF Boats VITESSE Mark II the right answer to Indonesian Navy's need for 6 Fast Interceptor Boats
PT. Royal Advanced Fiber (RAF Boats) was displaying itsVITESSE Mark II Interceptor boat during IndoDefence 2012. The VITESSE Mark II is a high speed military delta conic airventilated triple step hull interceptor type vessel. It was designed following a special request from Indonesian Special Forces for Anti-terror and interception missions.

As per Indonesian Navy requirement, the VITESSE Mark II can sustain speeds of 35 knots in 2 meter high waves. Following some tests, the Indonesian Navy Research & Technical department certified this vessel. Indonesian Navy ordered six VITESSE Mark II class interceptors with the first delivery expected to take place in 2013.
PT. Royal Advanced Fiber (RAF Boats) was displaying its VITESSE Mark II Interceptor boat during IndoDefence 2012. The VITESSE Mark II is a high speed military delta conic airventilated triple step hull interceptor type vessel. It was designed following a special request from Indonesian Special Forces for Anti-terror and interception missions.
RAF Boats' VITESSE Mark II Interceptor. Indonesian Navy ordered six vessels similar to this one.
(Picture: RAF Boats)

The vessel is suited for typical missions conducted by Military, Police, Coast Guard or Customs such as Search and Rescue, Patrolling, Interception, Surveillance, Anti-Smuggling etc...

The vessels Indonesian Navy have ordered will each be equipped with a 12.7mm gun mount at the bow, two extra gun mounts at the stern. Also present at the stern will be a (deflated) RHIB.
PT. Royal Advanced Fiber (RAF Boats) was displaying its VITESSE Mark II Interceptor boat during IndoDefence 2012. The VITESSE Mark II is a high speed military delta conic airventilated triple step hull interceptor type vessel. It was designed following a special request from Indonesian Special Forces for Anti-terror and interception missions.
The VITESSE Mark II on display during Indo Defence/Indo Marine 2012
The vessel on display during IndoDefence was the demo boat. It was the first of the class to be built and will be kept as a test platform for the future. The units ordered for the Indonesian Navy will all be newly built.

According to RAF Boats, the fact that Indonesian Navy Research & Technical department could test their boat before making a final decision was a real advantage and played in their favor.

Indonesian Navy will probably not be the only user of that class of Interceptor, since we were told that several neighboring countries of Indonesia have shown interest for the vessel during and even before IndoDefence.
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